首页 > 解决方案 > Hyperledger Composer 检查数组


我在我的 model.cto 文件中定义了一个数组Account[] family,我想从我的 logic.js 中访问它。特别是,我只想在接收者在发送者的家庭数组中时才执行交易。


namespace org.digitalpayment

asset Account identified by accountId {
  o String accountId
  --> Customer owner
  o Double balance

participant Customer identified by customerId {
  o String customerId
  o String firstname
  o String lastname
  --> Account[] family optional

transaction AccountTransfer {
--> Account from
--> Account to
o Double amount


* Account transaction
* @param {org.digitalpayment.AccountTransfer} accountTransfer
* @transaction
async function accountTransfer(accountTransfer) {
    if (accountTransfer.from.balance < accountTransfer.amount) {
        throw new Error("Insufficient funds");

    if (/*TODO check if the family array contains the receiver account*/) {        

        // perform transaction
        accountTransfer.from.balance -= accountTransfer.amount;
        accountTransfer.to.balance += accountTransfer.amount;

        let assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('org.digitalpayment.Account');

        await assetRegistry.update(accountTransfer.from);
        await assetRegistry.update(accountTransfer.to);

    } else {
        throw new Error("Receiver is not part of the family");


标签: javascripthyperledgerhyperledger-composer


好的,所以基本上你想首先获取Family资产的所有帐户,然后检查Customer参与者是否包含在其中?如果我错了,请纠正我。一组合乎逻辑的步骤将是 -

  1. 检索Account基于tofrom输入
  2. 使用变量Customer为每个检索每个Accountowner
  3. 获取family每个变量Customer
* Account transaction
* @param {org.digitalpayment.AccountTransfer} accountTransfer
* @transaction
async function accountTransfer(accountTransfer) {
    if (accountTransfer.from.balance < accountTransfer.amount) {
        throw new Error("Insufficient funds");

    var from = accountTransfer.from;
    var to = accountTransfer.to;
    var fromCustomer = from.owner;
    var toCustomer = to.owner;
    var fromCustomerFamily = fromCustomer.family;

    if (fromCustomerFamily && fromCustomerFamily.includes(to)) {        

        // perform transaction
        accountTransfer.from.balance -= accountTransfer.amount;
        accountTransfer.to.balance += accountTransfer.amount;

        let assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('org.digitalpayment.Account');

        await assetRegistry.update(accountTransfer.from);
        await assetRegistry.update(accountTransfer.to);

    } else {
        throw new Error("Receiver is not part of the family");


