首页 > 解决方案 > 如何修复“调用数组上的成员函数 get()”:Laravel 5.4


我无法使用maatwebsite/laravel-excel从数据库下载已生成数据的文件。错误:调用数组上的成员函数 get()。


public function getdoc($type)
    -- with this query : success --
    //$temp = AlarmV2::select('msisdn')->get();
    $today = "20181008";
    -- with this query : error --
    $temp = DB::select(DB::raw("select regionalid,
    nvl(sum(case when lastactiontype='0' then totalcharge end),0) as creditlimit_usage, 
    count(case when lastactiontype='0' then msisdn end) as creditlimit_rec,
    from alarms_v2
    where alarmdate = '$today'
    -- fatal error exception :Call to a member function get() on array --
    group by regionalid order by regionalid"))->get();

    return Excel::create('datadoc', function ($excel) use ($temp) {
        $excel->sheet('mySheet', function ($sheet) use ($temp) {

标签: phplaravelcsvreportmaatwebsite-excel


$temp = DB::select(DB::raw("select regionalid,
    nvl(sum(case when lastactiontype='0' then totalcharge end),0) as creditlimit_usage, 
    count(case when lastactiontype='0' then msisdn end) as creditlimit_rec,
    from alarms_v2
    where alarmdate = '$today'
    -- fatal error exception :Call to a member function get() on array --
    group by regionalid order by regionalid"))->get();

在这里您不需要调用该get()方法。因为 select() 方法已经执行了查询并返回了结果数组。因此,只需执行以下操作:

$temp = DB::select(DB::raw("select regionalid,
        nvl(sum(case when lastactiontype='0' then totalcharge end),0) as creditlimit_usage, 
        count(case when lastactiontype='0' then msisdn end) as creditlimit_rec,
        from alarms_v2
        where alarmdate = '$today'
        group by regionalid order by regionalid"));
