首页 > 解决方案 > TypeError:需要一个类似字节的对象,而不是 'str' py 2.7 到 py 3.6


我是 Python 学习者,也是 stackoverflow 的新手。以下代码是用 Python 2.7 编写的,当我尝试使用 Python 3.6 运行它时,出现以下错误。我阅读了许多关于该错误的先前帖子,但我仍然无法解决我的代码。请告诉我哪条线路需要修复以及如何修复。

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-52-db1423a8bf7b> in <module>
     72 if __name__ == "__main__":
---> 73     main()

<ipython-input-52-db1423a8bf7b> in main()
     54     csvWriter = csv.writer(csvOutput, quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
---> 56     csvWriter.writerow(["Ticker", "DocIndex","IndexLink", "Description", "FilingDate","NewFilingDate"])
     57     csvOutput.close()

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
import os,sys,csv,time # "time" helps to break for the url visiting 
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup   # Need to install this package manually using pip
                                # We only import part of the Beautifulsoup4
import urllib.request
from urllib.request import urlopen

os.chdir('E:\Python\python_exercise') # The location of your file "LongCompanyList.csv"
companyListFile = "CompanyList.csv" # a csv file with the list of company ticker symbols and names (the file has a line with headers)
IndexLinksFile = "IndexLinks.csv" # a csv file (output of the current script) with the list of index links for each firm (the file has a line with headers)

def getIndexLink(tickerCode,FormType):
    csvOutput = open(IndexLinksFile,"a+b") # "a+b" indicates that we are adding lines rather than replacing lines
    csvWriter = csv.writer(csvOutput, quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)

    urlLink = "https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&CIK="+tickerCode+"&type="+FormType+"&dateb=&owner=exclude&count=100"
    pageRequest = urllib.Request(urlLink)
    pageOpen = urllib.urlopen(pageRequest)
    pageRead = pageOpen.read()

    soup = BeautifulSoup(pageRead,"html.parser")

    #Check if there is a table to extract / code exists in edgar database
        table = soup.find("table", { "class" : "tableFile2" })
        print ("No tables found or no matching ticker symbol for ticker symbol for"+tickerCode)
        return -1

    docIndex = 1
    for row in table.findAll("tr"):
        cells = row.findAll("td")
        if len(cells)==5:
            if cells[0].text.strip() == FormType:
                link = cells[1].find("a",{"id": "documentsbutton"})
                docLink = "https://www.sec.gov"+link['href']
                description = cells[2].text.encode('utf8').strip() #strip take care of the space in the beginning and the end
                filingDate = cells[3].text.encode('utf8').strip()
                newfilingDate = filingDate.replace("-","_")  ### <=== Change date format from 2012-1-1 to 2012_1_1 so it can be used as part of 10-K file names
                csvWriter.writerow([tickerCode, docIndex, docLink, description, filingDate,newfilingDate])
                docIndex = docIndex + 1

def main():  
    FormType = "10-K"   ### <=== Type your document type here
    nbDocPause = 10 ### <=== Type your number of documents to download in one batch
    nbSecPause = 0 ### <=== Type your pausing time in seconds between each batch

    csvFile = open(companyListFile,"r") #<===open and read from a csv file with the list of company ticker symbols (the file has a line with headers)
    csvReader = csv.reader(csvFile,delimiter=",")
    csvData = list(csvReader)

    csvOutput = open(IndexLinksFile,"a+b") #<===open and write to a csv file which will include the list of index links. New rows will be appended.
    csvWriter = csv.writer(csvOutput, quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)

    csvWriter.writerow(["Ticker", "DocIndex","IndexLink", "Description", "FilingDate","NewFilingDate"])

    i = 1
    for rowData in csvData[1:]:
        ticker = rowData[0]
        if i%nbDocPause == 0:
            print (i)
            print ("Pause for "+str(nbSecPause)+" second .... ")

    print ("done!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

标签: pythonpython-3.xcsv


在 Python 3 中,您将希望尽可能使用 Unicode 字符串,而不是二进制 ( b) 数据。

  • "a+b"文件打开模式更改"a+"为获取可以写入字符串的文件;它们将被转换为 UTF-8(您可以使用encoding参数将其更改为open)。
  • 删除.encode()您的电话;BeautifulSoup 是 Unicode 字符串原生的,一旦您的文件以文本模式打开,如上所述,该编码将为您完成。
