首页 > 解决方案 > 搜索嵌套对象并返回对第一个找到的函数的引用,未知大小,未知名称


我看到很多人问如何在对象中查找对象,所以我想制作一个模块,它可以搜索 JSON 对象并查找它是否具有键或该属性并返回对该属性的引用。



    @param Object
    @param String, Number, Bool, Type...
    Return a unknown position in an unknown
    nested Object with an unknown size or structure
    a function.
function search(o, q) {
    Object.keys(o).forEach(function (k) {
        if (o[k] !== null && typeof o[k] === 'object') {
        /* Need e.g. */
        if (typeof k === 'function' || typeof o[k] === 'function') {
            // If functions object name is four, return reference
            return o[k] // Return function() { console.log('Four') } reference
            // We could use return o[k][0] for absolute reference, for first function
        if (k === q || o[k] === q) {
            (k === q) ? console.log(`Matching Key: ${k}`) : console.log(`Matching Value: ${o[k]}`)
        return o[k];

let data = {
    1: 'One',
    'Two': {
        'Three': 'One',
    'Four': function() {
        console.log('We successfully referenced a function without knowing it was there or by name!');

search(data, 'One');
// I would like to also
let Four = search(data, 'Four'); // We might not know it's four, and want to return first function()
// E.g. Four.Four()

但话又说回来,我们不知道“四”是关键。那时我们可以使用 if 语句 if typeof 函数作为值。但我似乎无法正确返回它来执行函数,特别是如果我们只是返回我们发现的第一个函数而不知道密钥。

标签: javascriptnode.js


您可以将引用和键作为单个对象返回 - 即函数的返回值将是{foundKey: someValue}. 然后你可以确定是否someValue是一个你可以调用它的函数。例如:

function search(o, q) {
  for (k in o) {
      if (k === q) return {[k]: o[k]}  // return key and value as single object
      if (o[k] !== null && typeof o[k] === 'object') {
          let found =  search(o[k], q)
          if (found) return found

let data = {
  1: 'One',
  'Two': {'Three': 'One',}, 
  'Four': function() {
      console.log('We successfully referenced a function without knowing it was there or by name!')

let searchKey = "Four"
let found = search(data, searchKey);

console.log("Found Object", found)

// is it a function? if so call it
if (typeof found[searchKey] == 'function'){

如果你只是对找到第一个函数感兴趣,你可以在边界情况下测试它并返回它。然后您需要在尝试调用它之前测试该函数是否返回 undefined:

function firstFuntion(o) {
  for (k in o) {
      if (typeof o[k] == 'function') return o[k]
      if (o[k] !== null && typeof o[k] === 'object') {
          let found = firstFuntion(o[k]);
          if (found) return found

let data = {
  1: 'One',
  'Two': {
      'Three': 'One',
  'Four': function() {
      console.log('We successfully referenced a function without knowing it was there or by name!');

let found = firstFuntion(data);

// firstFuntion should return a function or nothing
if (found) found()
