首页 > 解决方案 > How can I add Vanilla JS to my react app to create Image Modal pop-ups?


I am creating an image grid for a website Im making using React and I wanted to add a modal functionality to view each image as a modal pop-up. For this I need to use some Vanilla JS in combination with CSS and HTML. This is the js I want to use:

// Select the modal
var modal = document.getElementById('myModal');

// Get the image inside the modal
var img = document.getElementsByClassName('image');
var modalImg = document.getElementById("img01");
var captionText = document.getElementById("caption");
img.onclick = function(){
  modal.style.display = "block";
  modalImg.src = this.src;
  captionText.innerHTML = this.alt;

// Select the close button
var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close");

// Close Button 
span.onclick = function() { 
  modal.style.display = "none";

How can I integrate it with the rest of the app?

EDIT: This is the component I am working on:

import React from "react";
import "../stylesheets/Photos.scss";

const Photos = () => {
  return (
  <div className="photos_container">
      <h1 className="photos_title">PHOTO GALLERY</h1>
      <div className="row"> 
        <div className="column">
          <img className='image'src="../assets/photos_page/photo2.jpg"/>
          <img className='image' src="../assets/photos_page/photo3.jpg"/>
        <div className="column">
          <img className='image' src="../assets/photos_page/photo4.jpg"/>
          <img className='image' src="../assets/photos_page/photo5.jpg"/>
          <img className='image' src="../assets/photos_page/photo6.jpg"/>
        <div className="column">
          <img className='image' src="../assets/photos_page/photo7.jpg"/>
          <img className='image' src="../assets/photos_page/photo8.png"/>
          <img className='image' src="../assets/photos_page/photo9.jpg"/>
        <div className="column">
          <img className='image' src="../assets/photos_page/photo10.png"/>
          <img className='image' src="../assets/photos_page/photo11.jpg"/>
      {/* modal */}
      <div id='mymodal' className='modal'>
        <span className='close'>&times;</span>

        <img className='modal-content' id="img01"/>

        <div id='caption'></div>

export default Photos;

标签: javascriptreactjs


有人打败了我,但我仍然会在这里留下我的答案版本,以防你觉得它有帮助。我不会以上述方式选择文档元素,因为有更简单和更具声明性的方式。您要做的是将此组件更改为有状态的组件,其中包含像“showmodal”这样的状态属性。如果为真,则应显示模态。然后,您可以在 onClick 函数中使用 this.setState({ showmodal: true, slectedImage: yourImage }) 切换状态并设置被点击的图像。一个简单的绝对定位容器应该可以解决模态容器的问题。


  const images = [


class App extends React.Component {

  state = {
    showmodal: false,
    selectedImage: undefined

  render() {
    return (
      <div style={{ height: "100vh"}}>
        {images.map(i => (
            style={{ margin: 5 }}
            onClick={() => this.setState({ showmodal: true, selectedImage: i })}
      {this.state.showmodal &&   
          onClick={() => this.setState({ showmodal: false })}
            display: 'flex',
            position: "absolute",
            top: 0,
            bottom: 0,
            left: 0,
            right: 0,
            backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
            justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'
          <div style={{ height: 300, width: 500, backgroundColor: '#fff' }}>
            <img src={this.state.selectedImage.uri} style={{ flex: 1}} />
            <h3>Place any content here</h3>

React.render(<App />, document.getElementById("app"));

我没有重构样式,因此您可以将每个 div 的功能作为一个超级基本示例来查看,您可以在 codepen 中查看。另外,我同意上面的观点,即尝试重构列,以便您可以以完全相同的方式呈现它们,并减少重复。

