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  • only shows list with empty data, while fetching data from api on ngOnInit()?
  • 问题描述

    To show data obtained from Api, I applied *ngFor directive on li tag. Then, I used interpolation to show the data inside the li tag. But I am not getting any data in the list. However, the list does show exactly the same number of empty list items as the number of items available in the data obtained from API. If I log the data inside the subscribe method browser logs data obtained from api but when I log the data outside subscribe method browser logs undefined object. I have attached my codes. I will appreciate any form of help and advice.

    I tried appplying *ngIf condition to only make the list visible once the data is already subscribed in ngOnInit parent ul tag of li as suggested in one of the other posts.

    constructor(private service : BranchService) {  }
      ngOnInit() {
        .subscribe((data: Branch[]) => {
          this.branches = data;
    <ul class="list-group-flush" *ngIf="branches">
        <li *ngFor="let branch of branches; let serialNo = index" class="list-group-item">
          <span hidden>{{branch.Id}}</span>
          {{ serialNo+1 }}. {{ branch.BranchCode }} {{ branch.Description }}
    console of browser
    Angular is running in the development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable the production mode.
    (7) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
    0: {id: 1, branchCode: "KTM", description: "Kathmandu"}
    1: {id: 2, branchCode: "PKH", description: "Pokhara"}
    2: {id: 3, branchCode: "HTD", description: "Hetauda"}
    3: {id: 4, branchCode: "MHN", description: "Mahendranagar"}
    4: {id: 5, branchCode: "JHP", description: "Jhapa"}
    5: {id: 6, branchCode: "KTM", description: "Kathmandu"}
    6: {id: 7, branchCode: "PTN", description: "PTN"}
    length: 7
    __proto__: Array(0)

    The list is supposed to show the data as logged in the console.Console logs data as expected. But in the page, empty list is shown. The empty list only updates and shows the value of serial no but both branchcode and descriptions are blank.

    标签: angular7ngfor


    Initially set branches = null;

    Instead of performing API call in ngOnInIt try in ** ngAfterViewInit** - place where DOM is rendered

      ngAfterViewInit() {
        .subscribe((data: Branch[]) => {
          this.branches = [...data];
    <ul class="list-group-flush" *ngIf="branches && branches.length">
        <li *ngFor="let branch of branches; let serialNo = index" class="list-group-item">
          {{ serialNo+1 }}. {{ branch.BranchCode }} {{ branch.Description }}

    With my understanding i think would work try and update
