首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 jQuery/Javascript 中的每个正则表达式匹配周围添加括号?




int a = 0;



还有一件事,我正在做的是一个“翻译器”,它需要读取 C 中的算术计数并生成其令牌流。因此,例如,“=”将<assign_op>和“;” 将<end_of_statement>。上面的句子可以写成: <int><a><assign_op><0>


function translate() {
var input = 'int a = 0;' +
    '\nint b = 5;' +
    '\nint a = b + 5;' +
    '\nint c = a1 / 1;' +
    '\ndouble a = 1;' +
    '\nfloat a = 0;' +
    '\na = 0;' +
    '\nfloat a = b + 1;' +
    '\na = (b - c) * 5;';

var regex3 = new RegExp(/(((int|long int|double|long double|float)+\s*([a-zA-Z_]+\d*)*|([a-zA-Z_]+\d*))\s*=\s*(([a-zA-Z_]*|[a-zA-Z_]+\d*)*|\d*|\d+\.\d+);)|(((int|long int|double|long double|float)+\s*([a-zA-Z_]+\d*)*|([a-zA-Z_]+\d*))\s*=(\s*\(*(([a-zA-Z_]*|[a-zA-Z_]+\d*)*|\d*|\d+\.\d+)\)*\s*[+\-/*%]\s*\(*(([a-zA-Z_]*|[a-zA-Z_]+\d*)*|\d*|\d+\.\d+)\)*)*\s*;)/g);

var text = input.match(regex3);
var varTypes = ['int', 'double', 'float', 'long int', 'long double'];
var output = '';

text.forEach(line => {
    varTypes.forEach(type => {
        if (line.match(type))
            line = line.replace(type, '<' + type + '>');

    if (line.match(/=/g)) {
        line = line.replace(/=/g, '<assign_op>')
    if (line.match(/;/g)) {
        line = line.replace(/;/g, '<end_of_statement>');
    if (line.match(/\(/g)) {
        line = line.replace(/\(/g, '<open_parenthesis>')
    if (line.match(/\)/g)) {
        line = line.replace(/\)/g, '<close_parenthesis>')
    if (line.match(/[+\-*/%]/g)) {
        line = line.replace(/[+\-*/%]/g, '<operator>')
    if (line.match(/\+{2}/g)) {
        line = line.replace(/\+{2}/g, '<operator>')
    output += line + '\n';




标签: javascriptjqueryregex





var input = 
    'int a = 0;' +
    '\nint b = 5;' +
    '\nint a = b + 5;' +
    '\nint c = a1 / 1;' +
    '\ndouble a = 1;' +
    '\nfloat a = 0;' +
    '\na = 0;' +
    '\nfloat a = b + 1;' +
    '\na = (b - c) * 5;' +
    '\nlong int = (w - x) * 7;' + // Added to test the two words types
    '\nlong double = (x - w) * 7;';   // Added to test the two words types

var dictionary = [
    target: "long int",
    replacement: "long|int" // | to ensure keeping that space, will be restored later
    target: "long double",
    replacement: "long|double" // | to ensure keeping that space, will be restored later

    target: /=/g,
    replacement: "assign_op"
    target: /;/g,
    replacement: "end_of_statement"
    target: /\(/g,
    replacement: "open_parenthesis"
    target: /\)/g,
    replacement: "close_parenthesis"
    target: /[+\-*/%]/g,
    replacement: "operator"
    target: /\+{2}/g,
    replacement: "operator"

function translate(input) {


  // Your unchanged regex
  var regex3 = new RegExp(/(((int|long int|double|long double|float)+\s*([a-zA-Z_]+\d*)*|([a-zA-Z_]+\d*))\s*=\s*(([a-zA-Z_]*|[a-zA-Z_]+\d*)*|\d*|\d+\.\d+);)|(((int|long int|double|long double|float)+\s*([a-zA-Z_]+\d*)*|([a-zA-Z_]+\d*))\s*=(\s*\(*(([a-zA-Z_]*|[a-zA-Z_]+\d*)*|\d*|\d+\.\d+)\)*\s*[+\-/*%]\s*\(*(([a-zA-Z_]*|[a-zA-Z_]+\d*)*|\d*|\d+\.\d+)\)*)*\s*;)/g);

  // An array of lines created by the use of your regex
  var lines_array = input.match(regex3);

  // The result variable
  var output = '';

  // Process each lines
  lines_array.forEach(line => {

    // Use the dictionary to replace some special cases
    // It adds spaces around the replacements to ensure word separation
    dictionary.forEach(translation => {
      if (line.match(translation.target)) {
        line = line.replace(translation.target, " "+translation.replacement+" ");  // Notice the spaces

    // Remove double spaces
    line = line.trim().replace(/\s+/g," ");

    // Use the spaces to get a word array to add the angle brackets
    var words = line.split(" ");
    words.forEach(word => {
      output += "<"+word+">";

    // Re-add the line return
    output += '\n';

  // Final fixes on the whole result string
  output = output
    .replace(/\|/g, " ")  // Restore the space in the "two words types" ( was replaced by a | )
    .replace(/<</g, "<") // Remove duplicate angle brackets
    .replace(/>>/g, ">")


// Run the function
