首页 > 解决方案 > 是否可以按修改日期的顺序读取文件?



到目前为止,使用 FileSystemObject 似乎我只能按字母顺序读取文件,如果我没记错的话。

到目前为止我最好的解决方案是每次读取所有文件,创建一个包含文件信息的数组,按 DateModified 排序,然后只打开我需要的文件。我很想知道是否可以通过按 DateModified 的顺序读取文件来跳过这一步。


标签: excelvba


Shell在这里似乎确实是一个不错的选择-尽管我没有将性能与FSO. 例如,您可以考虑forfiles允许您检索在指定日期之后修改的文件的命令?


Public Sub RunMe()
    Dim fileNames As Collection
    Dim path As String
    Dim dat As Date
    Dim file As Variant

    'Set the path and 'find after' date.
    path = "c:\user\documents"
    dat = #1/1/2018#

    'Fetch the files, setting mask as required.
    'This example is fetching all .txt files.
    Set fileNames = GetFilesModifiedAfter(path, dat, "*.txt")

    'Process the list of files.
    If Not fileNames Is Nothing Then
        For Each file In fileNames
            ' ... do stuff here.
            Debug.Print path & "\" & file
    End If

End Sub

Private Function GetFilesModifiedAfter( _
    path As String, _
    after As Date, _
    Optional mask As String) As Collection

    Dim cmd As String
    Dim piped() As String
    Dim result As Collection
    Dim i As Long

    'Build the command string.
    'Date must be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.
    cmd = "cmd.exe /s /c forfiles /p " & _
        """" & path & """" & _
        " /d +" & Format(after, "mm/dd/yyyy")

    'Add the mask if passed-in.
    If mask <> vbNullString Then cmd = cmd & " /m " & mask

    'Execute the command and split by /r/n.
    piped = Split(CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec(cmd).StdOut.ReadAll, vbCrLf)

    'Leave if nothing is returned.
    If UBound(piped) = -1 Then Exit Function

    'Poplate the result collection,
    'and remove the leading and trailing inverted commas.
    Set result = New Collection
    For i = 0 To UBound(piped)
        If Len(piped(i)) > 2 Then
            result.Add Mid(piped(i), 2, Len(piped(i)) - 2)
        End If

    'Return the result collection.
    Set GetFilesModifiedAfter = result
End Function


我刚刚做了一些测试,它似乎FSO更快,当然在包含少于 100 个文件的文件夹上。在非常大的文件夹(比如一千个文件)上运行它会很有趣,因为我本能地觉得Shell可能具有性能优势。但是,现在,这是FSO版本:

Private Function GetFilesModifiedAfter2( _
    path As String, _
    after As Date, _
    mask As String) As Collection

    Dim fso As Object, file As Object
    Dim result As Collection

    'Instance of objects.
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set result = New Collection

    'Iterate the files and test date last modified property.
    For Each file In fso.GetFolder(path & "\").Files
        If file.Name Like mask And file.DateLastModified > after Then
            result.Add file.Name
        End If

    'Return the result collection.
    Set GetFilesModifiedAfter2 = result
End Function
