首页 > 解决方案 > Problem when running the initial test without freeradius using docker and alpine linux


I'm trying to test Freeradius with the default configuration, but it's displaying this message when using debug mode:

$ radtest testing password 0 testing123

Error message: "Ignoring request to auth address * port 1812 bound to server default from unknown client port 59951 proto udp"

I'm using freeradius on a docker container and released these ports on docker run command:

"-p 1812-1813:1812-1813/udp"

On dockerfile I added the exposed ports:

"EXPOSE 1812 1813"

For the docker image I'm using the alpine linux and just make a "apk update" and "apk add freeradius".

The configuration I did was just this one: https://wiki.freeradius.org/guide/Getting-Started?fbclid=IwAR23NlAkZXnt9iXggD4M_Ijt57OaPSjjy9pqeJ6Z9yQKGfVvres3vE5cXOk#initial-tests

标签: dockeralpinefreeradius

