首页 > 解决方案 > 在 Python 中初始化对象类时是否应该运行函数?


我有一个正在处理的项目,并且我有一个运行良好的 Python 类对象,但我很好奇当我调用该__init__方法时它是否设计正确。

现在,我有一个函数 ( demand_curve),当您创建类对象的新实例时将运行该函数。如果我在初始化课程时运行一个函数是否可以,或者它会让我在路上遇到问题?


# initalize the lists
prices = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
quantities = [13.75, 12.5, 11.25, 10.0, 8.75, 7.5, 6.25, 5.0, 3.75, 2.5, 1.25, 0.0]

class MarketFunction(object):   

    def __init__(self, prices, quantities):

        self.prices = prices
        self.quantities = quantities

        self.intercept = None
        self.slope = None

        # Run the demand_curve function to calculate the slope and the intercept.
        self.demand_curve(prices, quantities)

    def DemandIntercept(self):
            SUMMARY: Return the intercept of the demand curve.
            RETURN TYPE: float

        if self.intercept is None:
            intercept = self.demand_curve(self.prices, self.quantities)
            self.intercept = intercept[0]

        return self.intercept

    def MaxPrice(self):
            SUMMARY: Return the maximum price from the Prices list.
            RETURN TYPE: float
        return max(self.prices)

    def MinPrice(self):
            SUMMARY: Return the minimum price from the Prices list.
            RETURN TYPE: float
        return min(self.prices)

    def MaxQuantity(self):
            Summary: Return the maximum quantity from the Quantities list.
            RETURN TYPE: int
        return max(self.prices)

    def MinQuantity(self):
            SUMMARY: Return the minimum quantity from the Quantities list.
            RETURN TYPE: int
        return min(self.quantities)    

    def demand_curve(self, prices, quantities):
            SUMMARY: Given an array of prices and quantities calculate the slope and Y-intercept of the line and set the
                     values for the MarketFunction object.

            PARA prices: A list of prices
            PARA TYPE: list

            PARA quantites: A list of quantites
            PARA TYPE: list

        # grab the first few values.
        x0, x1 = prices[0], prices[1]
        y0, y1 = quantities[0], quantities[1]

        # calculate the metrics
        slope = (y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0)
        y_int = (-slope * x0) + y0

        self.intercept = y_int
        self.slope = slope

# create a new instance of the object    
market = MarketFunction(prices = prices, quantities = quantities)

# Grab the DemandIntercept
demand_function = market.DemandIntercept

标签: pythonclassinitialization


