首页 > 解决方案 > How to fix character encoding in sql query


I have a db2 database where I store names containing special characters. When I try to retrieve them with an internal software, I get proper results. However when I tried to do the same with queries or look into the db, the characters are stored strangely.

The documentation says that the encoding is utf-8 latin1. My query looks something like this:

SELECT firstn, lastn
FROM unams
WHERE unamid = 12345

The user with the given ID has some special characters in his/her name: é and ó, but the query returns it as Ă© and Ăł.

Is there a way to convert the characters back to their original form with using some simple SQL function? I am new to databases and encoding, trying to understand the latter by reading this but I'm quite lost.

EDIT: Currently sending queries via SPSS Modeler with a proper ODBC driver, the database lies on a Windows Server 2016

标签: sqlencodingdb2


Per the comments, the solution was to create a Windows environment variable DB2CODEPAGE=1208 , then restart, then drop and re-populate the tables.

If the applications runs locally on the Db2-server (i.e. only one hostname is involved) then the same variable can be set. This will impact all local applications that use the UTF-8 encoded database.

If the application runs remotely from the Db2-server (i.e. two hostnames are involved) then set the variable on the workstation and on the Windows Db2-server.

Current versions of IBM supplied Db2-clients on Windows will derive their codepage from the regional settings which might not always render Unicode characters correctly, so using the DB2CODEPAGE=1208 forces the Db2-client CLI drivers to use a Unicode application code page to override this.
