首页 > 解决方案 > 查询多个表并合并结果的有效方法


我正在运行查询以从大约 30 个表中提取时间序列数据。我正在对数据进行下采样以减少数据点的数量和查询时间。每个表包含数百万行和十几列。我只对几列感兴趣,我计算一个移动平均值并将下采样到 1 小时增量。但是我看到,当我添加表时,开始有大量时间来运行查询。这是我希望能够经常运行以更新报告的东西,所以我需要它运行得更快。



目前从这 3 个表中返回 735 行(15 列)。

Select * from
        min([theDate]) as theDate, 
        min([theTime]) as theTime, 
        max([Value]) as maxValue, 
        max([rolling_avg]) as maxDM,
        timeHour as timeHour

from( select [theDate], [theTime], [Value],
       avg(windowAvg) over(order by theDate DESC, theTime rows between 90 preceding and current row) as rolling_avg,
       datepart(hh,theTime) as timeHour
  from (select [theDate], [theTime], [Value], sum([Value]) as windowAvg
          from [Data].[dbo].[tOne]
          Where ([theDate] > convert(DAte,DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE())))
          group by theDate, theTime, Value 

          group by theDate, timeHour) tOne 
Cross Apply (select
        min([theDate]) as theDate, 
        min([theTime]) as theTime, 
        max([Value]) as maxValue, 
        max([rolling_avg]) as maxDM,
        timeHour as timeHour

from( select [theDate], [theTime], [Value],
       avg(windowAvg) over(order by theDate DESC, theTime rows between 90 preceding and current row) as rolling_avg,
       datepart(hh,theTime) as timeHour
  from (select [theDate], [theTime], [Value], sum([Value]) as windowAvg
          from [Data].[dbo].[tTwo]
          Where ([theDate] > convert(DAte,DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE())))
          group by theDate, theTime, Value 

          group by theDate, timeHour) tTwo

Cross Apply (select
        min([theDate]) as theDate, 
        min([theTime]) as theTime, 
        max([Value]) as maxValue, 
        max([rolling_avg]) as maxDM,
        timeHour as timeHour

from( select [theDate], [theTime], [Value],
       avg(windowAvg) over(order by theDate DESC, theTime rows between 90 preceding and current row) as rolling_avg,
       datepart(hh,theTime) as timeHour
  from (select [theDate], [theTime], [Value], sum([Value]) as windowAvg
          from [Data].[dbo].[tThree]
          Where ([theDate] > convert(DAte,DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE())))
          group by theDate, theTime, Value 

          group by theDate, timeHour) tThree

where tOne.timeHour = tTwo.timeHour and tOne.theDate = tTwo.theDate and tOne.timeHour = tThree.timeHour and tOne.theDate = tThree.theDate
 order by tOne.theDate DESC, tOne.theTime DESC  

标签: performancetsqlmultiple-tablescross-apply

