首页 > 解决方案 > Is it possible to set the description of application on google play store based on country/region?


I wanted to have description of my android app based on country/region. By that I meant, I have my app trademarked in my country so when someone try to download the app from here, I wish them to see the trade mark. While when some one outside my country wants to download it, this trade mark should not be visible.

I know there a way to set description based on language from store listing but it does not address my issue because, if someone outside my country has set the default language in their set as that of my country then he/she will be able to see my trade mark.

So, I was wondering if there is a way to achieve this behavior.

I found something related to description update here App description update on play store but it is not helpful for me.

Any help on this regards will be highly appreciated.


标签: androidlocalizationregiongoogle-play-console



  1. 登录您的 Play 管理中心。

  2. 选择一个应用程序。

  3. 在左侧菜单中,单击商店展示 > 自定义商品详情。如果您的应用还没有主要商品详情,则需要先创建一个并发布您的应用,然后才能创建自定义商品详情。
