首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 scala 中实现类型安全的域存储库?



trait Repo[Value] {
  def put(value: Value): Unit

case class IntRepo extends Repo[Int] {
  override def put(value: Int): Unit = ???

case class StringRepo extends Repo[String] {
  override def put(value: String): Unit = ???

case class DomainRepo(intRepo: IntRepo, stringRepo: StringRepo) {
  def putAll[?](values: ?*): Unit // what type should be here?


domainRepo.putAll(1, 2, 3, "foo", "bar") //Should work
domainRepo.putAll(1, 2, true, "foo") // should not compile because of boolean value



def putAll(values: Seq[Any]) => Unit = values.foreach {
  case str: String => stringRepo.put(str)
  case int: Int => intRepo.put(int)
  case _ => throw RuntimeException // Ha-Ha

但是如果我在这里有 10000 种类型呢?那将是一团糟!

我现在还不清楚的另一种方法是使用 dotty type | (或)如下:

type T = Int | String | 10000 other types // wouldn't be a mess?

def putAll(t: T*)(implicit r1: Repo[Int], r2: Repo[String] ...) {
  val myTargetRepo = implicitly[Repo[T]] // would not work



Map[Class[_], Repo[_]]


标签: scalagenericsdottyscala-3



trait Repo[Value] {
  def put(value: Value): Unit

implicit val intRepo: Repo[Int] = new Repo[Int] {
  override def put(value: Int): Unit = ???

implicit val stringRepo: Repo[String] = new Repo[String] {
  override def put(value: String): Unit = ???

case object DomainRepo {
  def putAll[Value](value: Value)(implicit repo: Repo[Value]): Unit = repo.put(value)

如果想domainRepo.putAll(1, 2, 3, "foo", "bar")编译不想domainRepo.putAll(1, 2, true, "foo")编译,可以尝试使用异构集合(HList)。

import shapeless.{HList, HNil, ::, Poly1}
import shapeless.ops.hlist.Mapper

trait Repo[Value] {
  def put(value: Value): Unit

implicit val intRepo: Repo[Int] = new Repo[Int] {
  override def put(value: Int): Unit = ???

implicit val stringRepo: Repo[String] = new Repo[String] {
  override def put(value: String): Unit = ???

case object DomainRepo {
  def put[Value](value: Value)(implicit repo: Repo[Value]): Unit = repo.put(value)

  object putPoly extends Poly1 {
    implicit def cse[Value: Repo]: Case.Aux[Value, Unit] = at(put(_))

  def putAll[Values <: HList](values: Values)(implicit 
    mapper: Mapper[putPoly.type, Values]): Unit = mapper(values)

DomainRepo.putAll(1 :: 2 :: 3 :: "foo" :: "bar" :: HNil)
//  DomainRepo.putAll(1 :: 2 :: true :: "foo" :: HNil) // doesn't compile
