首页 > 解决方案 > 在Scala中的案例类上应用递归操作




case class Foo(fooName: String, bar: Bar, baz: Baz)
case class Bar(barName: String, baz: Baz)
case class Baz(bazName: String)

我希望能够更改名称(在这种情况下以某种方式 Foo 及其子对象),例如,为它们加上一些标题。


trait Titled[T] {
  def titled(t: T)(title: String): T

对于 Foo,实现会这样做:

implicit val fooTitled: Titled[Foo] = new Titled[Foo] {
  def titled(foo: Foo)(title: String): Foo = foo.copy(fooName = title + fooName)

可能还有其他实现,例如 Esquired,它会在名称后面加上“Esq”。

但这不会更新我想要的子值 bar 和 baz 的标题。


//import all the implicits needed
val foo = Foo(...)
val titledFoo = foo.title("Mr. ") // names are prefixed with Mr.
val andEsquired = foo.esquire // names are also suffixed with Esq

现在,我一直在网上寻找是否可以这样做,并且我已经看到了无形库,但我仍然没有达到我可以破译并创造这种“魔法”的 Scala 知识水平,如果它甚至可能的。


标签: scalatypeclassshapeless



  import shapeless.ops.hlist.IsHCons
  import shapeless.{::, Generic, HList, HNil}

  trait Titled[T] {
    def titled(t: T)(title: String): T

  object Titled {
    //implicit def identity[A]: Titled[A] = new Titled[A] {
    //  override def titled(t: A)(title: String): A = t

    implicit def transform[A <: Product, L <: HList, H, T <: HList](implicit
      generic: Generic.Aux[A, L],
      isHCons: IsHCons.Aux[L, String, T],
      tailTitled: HListTitled[T]): Titled[A] = new Titled[A] {
      override def titled(t: A)(title: String): A = {
        val l = generic.to(t)
        val head = isHCons.head(l)
        val tail = isHCons.tail(l)
        val newHead = title + head
        val newTail = tailTitled.titled(tail)(title)
        val newL = isHCons.cons(newHead, newTail)

  trait HListTitled[L <: HList] {
    def titled(t: L)(title: String): L

  object HListTitled {
    implicit val hnil: HListTitled[HNil] = new HListTitled[HNil] {
      override def titled(t: HNil)(title: String): HNil = HNil

    implicit def hcons[H, T <: HList](implicit
      headTitled: Titled[H],
      tailTitled: HListTitled[T]): HListTitled[H :: T] = new HListTitled[H :: T] {
      override def titled(t: H :: T)(title: String): H :: T = 
        headTitled.titled(t.head)(title) :: tailTitled.titled(t.tail)(title)

  implicit class TitledOps[T](t: T) {
    def titled(title: String)(implicit ttld: Titled[T]): T = ttld.titled(t)(title)

  case class Foo(fooName: String, bar: Bar, baz: Baz)
  case class Bar(barName: String, baz: Baz)
  case class Baz(bazName: String)
  case class Foo1(fooName: String, bar: Bar, baz: Baz, i: Int)

  Foo("Johnson", Bar("Smith", Baz("Doe")), Baz("James")).titled("Mr. ")
  // Foo(Mr. Johnson,Bar(Mr. Smith,Baz(Mr. Doe)),Baz(Mr. James))
  Foo1("Johnson", Bar("Smith", Baz("Doe")), Baz("James"), 10).titled("Mr. ")
  // doesn't compile
  // if you want it to compile uncomment "identity"
