首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在第一次点击时停止重置缩放和平移 d3 图形?


我已经实现了一个带有 d3 缩放元素的 d3 树图。目前,我一直在尝试对缩放和平移进行重置。不幸的是,当我尝试执行重置时,它会重置缩放和平移,直到我单击图表。那时,它会回到我之前缩放和平移的位置。

我尝试实现这个 Stack Overflow 问题中回答的内容:如何在 d3.js 中重置缩放?,但该帖子的 OP 没有使用子组来更改转换。我想要一种方法来永久重置我的 d3 图形的缩放和平移,但我还没有为我的场景找到任何资源。

  //Zoom function so I can reset it later
  let zoom = d3.zoom().on(`zoom`, function() {
    //This was to part of the solution to stop it from shifting on first 
    //click after initial graph creation
    svgZoom.attr(`transform`, d3.event.transform)

  //The main zoom element, which calls the zoom function
  let svgZoom = d3
    .attr(`viewBox`, `0 0 ${width} ${height}`)
    .attr(`width`, `75%`)
    .style(`max-height`, `${height}px`)
    .style(`margin-left`, `12.5%`)
    .style(`margin-top`, `${margin.top}`)
    .on(`contextmenu`, () => d3.event.preventDefault())
    .on(`dblclick.zoom`, null)

  //This piece of code translates the graph
  svg = svgZoom
    .attr(`id`, `graph`)
    .attr(`transform`, `translate(` + width / 4 + `,0)`)

  //This I found this functionality on another Stack Overflow question, 
  //but it is not resetting to my base transition, and the reset only 
  //works until I click, then it goes back to where it was before.
  let resetZoomPan = () => {
    svgZoom.call(zoom.transform, d3.zoomIdentity)


标签: javascriptd3.js

