首页 > 解决方案 > 我需要在表中查询两个重复列中的值


我在 ASP.NET Core 中工作。我在查询具有相同的行时遇到问题User_idDefinition_id如果有类似的行,我需要行的 ID。

| Id | User-id | Definition-id |
|  1 |       1 |             1 |
|  2 |       2 |             1 |
|  3 |       2 |             2 |
|  4 |       3 |             1 |
|  5 |       4 |             1 |
|  6 |       4 |             1 |
|  7 |       5 |             2 |
|  8 |       6 |             1 |

我需要像这样查询表,将 { 5, 6 } 返回给我,因为它们具有相同的用户和定义 ID。

我已经尝试Groupby了这两个值,但我无法得到IQueryableorIGrouping给我特定行的 id。


var placementsWithDuplicates =
    from p in _context.Placements
    group p by new { p.User_id, p.Definition_id } into what
    select new
        Id = what.Id,
        User = what.User_id,
        Defi = what.Definition_id,

foreach (var p in placementsWithDuplicates)
    issues.Add(new IssueModel()
            Type = "Praxe ID[" + p.Id + "]",
            Name = "User id [" + p.User + "], Definition id [" + p.Defi + "]",
            Detail = "So user shouldnt have data for more definitons!"

感谢 Satish Hirpara 的最佳答案,它需要一些更新,所以我发布了最终运行良好的东西:

var B = from p in _context.Placements
        group p by new { p.User_id, p.Definition_id } into what
        where what.Count() > 1
        select new
            User_id = what.Key.User_id,
            Definition_id = what.Key.Definition_id

var placementsWithDuplicates = from A in _context.Placements
                               join b in B on new { A.User_id, A.Definition_id } equals new { b.User_id, b.Definition_id }
                               select A;

标签: c#asp.netlinqasp.net-coreentity-framework-core


请在下面找到 SQL 查询:

    SELECT A.* 
    FROM Placements A 
     (SELECT User_id, Definition_id FROM Placements 
      GROUP BY User_Id, Definition_id 
      HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) B 
     ON A.User_id = B.User_id AND A.Defination_id = 


如果您想要 linq 查询,那么我尝试从上面的查询中创建它,请在下面找到它:

 --- sub query
 var B = from p in Placements 
 group p by new { p.User_id, p.Definition_id } into what 
 where what.count() > 1
 select new
   { User_id = what.User_id, 
     Definition_id =what.Definition_id 

    --- join
    Var result =  from A in Placements
                          Join B ON A.User_id = B.User_id 
                          AND A.Defination_id = B.Defination_id
                          Select A

