首页 > 解决方案 > If 语句不能正常工作不会通过 If 语句 C#


我正在cmd中制作一个魔术8球。我想问用户是否愿意。我希望程序继续提问,直到用户选择字母 E。如果他们在提问之前尝试摇晃,那么他们会收到错误消息。

我遇到的问题是,当您输入 A 时,您将输入一个问题。然后当我输入 S 之后,我收到搜索 RAM 的错误消息,它没有调用我的摇动方法。

所以现在发生的事情是我写了“A”。然后我输入我的问题,选项再次出现。一旦选项再次出现,我选择“S”,然后出现 ram 语句而不是转到 else 语句。我需要它去摇动方法,然后我可以输入“G”来得到我的答案。

public static string userAnswer = "";

static void Main(string[] args)

    Console.WriteLine("Main program!");
    Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Magic 8 Ball");
    Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?");
    Console.WriteLine("(S)hake the Ball");
    Console.WriteLine("(A)sk a Question");
    Console.WriteLine("(G)et the Answer");
    Console.WriteLine("(E)xit the Game");
    Magic8Ball_Logic.Magic8Ball ball = new Magic8Ball_Logic.Magic8Ball();
    string input = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

        if (input == "S")
            if (userAnswer != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Searching the Mystic Realms(RAM) for the answer");
                Console.WriteLine("(S)hake the Ball");
                Console.WriteLine("(A)sk a Question");
                Console.WriteLine("(G)et the Answer");
                Console.WriteLine("(E)xit the Game");
                input = Console.ReadLine();
                //Call Method Shake()
                Console.WriteLine("(S)hake the Ball");
                Console.WriteLine("(A)sk a Question");
                Console.WriteLine("(G)et the Answer");
                Console.WriteLine("(E)xit the Game");
                input = Console.ReadLine();
        else if (input == "A")
            userAnswer = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("(S)hake the Ball");
            Console.WriteLine("(A)sk a Question");
            Console.WriteLine("(G)et the Answer");
            Console.WriteLine("(E)xit the Game");
            input = Console.ReadLine();
        else if (input == "G")
            if (userAnswer != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Please Enter A Question Before Asking For An Answer.");
                Console.WriteLine("(S)hake the Ball");
                Console.WriteLine("(A)sk a Question");
                Console.WriteLine("(G)et the Answer");
                Console.WriteLine("(E)xit the Game");
                input = Console.ReadLine();
                //Call Method GetAnswer()
                Console.WriteLine("(S)hake the Ball");
                Console.WriteLine("(A)sk a Question");
                Console.WriteLine("(G)et the Answer");
                Console.WriteLine("(E)xit the Game");
                input = Console.ReadLine();
    } while (input != "E");

标签: c#if-statement


您正在string userAnswer = "";声明中设置。但是..如果您正在检查它,if (userAnswer != null)但是...它永远不会为空

您应该检查if (userAnswer != "")因为如果字符串的值null与空字符串不同""
