首页 > 解决方案 > Use a variable number of conditions to select rows whose column value equals some value


I want to get a subset of a dataframe based upon multiple conditions with the number of conditions I pass it variable.

I have seen similar answers with multiple conditions(Select rows from a DataFrame based on values in a column in pandas) , but none that allow to pass less variables.

I have tried using: c=None, c=True, c=all, but it always evaluates to false

def Subset (df, a=None, b=None, c=True): 
    temp=df.loc[(df['a'] == a) & (df['b'] == b) & (df['c'] == c)]

    return (temp)

if I evaluate:

Subset=Subset(df=Table, a=350, b=300)

I get an empty dataframe

while if I use the function:

def Try(df, a=None, b=None): 
    temp=df.loc[(df['a'] == a) & (df['b'] == b)]

    return (temp)

I get a dataframe with 10 rows.

To answer Yaakov Bressler's comment I am giving more information: My dataframe looks like this:

files,Names,Curve Type,Thickness,Temperature,Number,Iteration,leak,start,stop,Vth,F_E_M,on/off
Output [(1) _250-300-G21_]0.csv,250-300-G21,Output,250,300,G21,0,True,,,,,
Output [(1) _250-300-G22_]0.csv,250-300-G22,Output,250,300,G22,0,False,,,,,
Transfer lin [(1) _250-300-G21_;]0.csv,250-300-G21,Transfer lin,250,300,G21,0,True,,,,,

the first column are the filenames. the other columns are data about the transitor that file represents.

I want to create a subset of this file representing a single transistor, defined by: ( Curve Type,Thickness,Temperature,Number ) or of a single chip : (Curve Type,Thickness,Temperature).

This is so that I can import them and do plots/analysis.

标签: pythonpandassubset


Seems like your dataframe's 'c' column is not a boolean. Try print(df['c'].dtype == 'bool')

Also, sharing your original df and the goal would help elucidate your problem.

Also, also, I would not name an object after a function as in the case of Subset=Subset(df=Table, a=350, b=300)
