首页 > 解决方案 > DSE 6.0 和 6.7 是否禁用了 KeyCache?


当我运行 nodetool info 时,我得到了 Key Cache

Key Cache : entries 0, size 0 bytes, capacity 100 MiB, 0 hits, 0 requests, NaN recent hit rate, 14400 save period in seconds

我在 cqlsh 的表定义中启用了它

caching = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'}

我在 cassandra.yaml 中没有看到任何用于密钥缓存的参数

不知道为什么没有使用 KeyCache

标签: cassandradatastax


The new format of the SSTables that was introduced in the DSE 6.0 made the key cache obsolete, so it won't be used if all your SSTables were already converted to new file format. The key cache itself is left for compatibility with previous file format, and used, for example, if you migrate data from DSE 5.1, and didn't upgrade your SSTables yet.
