首页 > 解决方案 > Can I have a type assertion on the left hand side of an assignment in TypeScript?


The TypeScript docs talk about type assertions, but apparently they can only be used in expressions, while I'd need to assert the type of a variable on the left hand side of an assignment.

My specific situation is an express middleware that extends the req object with a user property:

app.use(async (req, res, next) => {
  // ...
  req.user = user; // Property 'user' does not exist on type 'Request'.
  // ...

I know that I can just reassign the variable, but that seems a little clumsy:

interface AuthenticationRequest extends Request {
    user: string;

const myReq = <AuthenticationRequest>req;

myReq = user;

Is there a more elegant way?

标签: typescript



declare const user: string;
declare const req: Request

(req as AuthenticationRequest).user = user;

interface AuthenticationRequest extends Request {
    user: string;
