首页 > 解决方案 > Setting up hyperledger sawtooth on aws


I am new to hyperledger sawtooth,I am working on setting up sawtooth in aws using putty but validator and rest api failing to run.

Edited:The above problem is resolved. I run all the commands of Xo transaction family on Aws using putty,but I am getting this error sudo xo show my-game Error: No such game: my-game

标签: hyperledgerblockchainhyperledger-sawtooth


REST API 失败。您可以查看文件/var/log/sawtooth/rest_api-debug.log /var/log/sawtooth/rest_api-error.log

有关 AWS 和 Sawtooth 的更多详细信息,请参阅应用程序开发人员指南 (v1.2.1)。编辑:回答你关于玩的问题......

您必须先创建玩家并创建游戏,然后才能开始玩 XO(井字游戏)。例如,要创建玩家 bob 和 alice,请输入: sawtooth keygen bob sawtooth keygen alice

要创建一个名为 mygame 的游戏作为玩家 jack,请输入: xo create mygame --username jack

