首页 > 解决方案 > 在 runBlocking 中使用 coroutineScope 有什么效果?


在 kotlin coroutines doc中,它解释了“runBlocking 和 coroutineScope 之间的区别”:


除了不同构建器提供的协程作用域外,还可以使用 coroutineScope 构建器来声明自己的作用域。它创建了一个协程范围,并且在所有启动的子进程完成之前不会完成。The main difference between runBlocking and coroutineScope is that the latter does not block the current thread while waiting for all children to complete.


import kotlinx.coroutines.*

fun main() = runBlocking { // this: CoroutineScope
launch { 
    println("+++Task from runBlocking")

coroutineScope { // Creates a coroutine scope
    launch {
        println("+++Task from nested launch")

    println("+++ Task from coroutine scope") // This line will be printed before the nested launch

println("+++ Coroutine scope is over") // This line is not printed until the nested launch completes


2019-05-16 10:47:45.107 12239-12239 +++ before enter runBlocking{}
2019-05-16 10:47:45.219 12239-12239 +++ Task from coroutine scope
2019-05-16 10:47:45.320 12239-12239 +++ Task from runBlocking
2019-05-16 10:47:45.620 12239-12239 +++ Task from nested launch
2019-05-16 10:47:45.621 12239-12239 +++ ---after exit runBlocking{}

并且按预期+++ Task from nested launch显示+++ Task from runBlocking,因为它有 500L 延迟。


这里有两个launch是在coroutineScop{}30L 和 100L 延迟之后添加的。

我期待看到延迟的日志30L应该在 延迟300L 之前coroutineScop{}出现launchcoroutineScop{}

fun testCoroutines() {
Log.e("+++", "+++ enter testCoroutines_3")
runBlocking {
    launch {
        println("+++ start Task from runBlocking, with 200L delay")
        println("+++ end Task from runBlocking, with 200L delay")

    launch {
        println("+++ start Task from runBlocking, with 50L delay")
        println("+++ end Task from runBlocking, with 50L delay")

    launch {
        println("+++ start Task from runBlocking, with 70L delay")
        println("+++ end Task from runBlocking, with 70L delay")

    coroutineScope {
        println("+++ enter Task from coroutineScope")
        // Creates a coroutine scope
        launch {
            Log.v("+++", "+++ === start Task from nested launch, 500L")
            Log.v("+++", "+++ --- end Task from nested launch, 500L")

        println("+++ in Task from coroutineScope after delay(100L)")

        launch {
            Log.v("+++", "+++ === start Task from nested launch, 300L")
            Log.v("+++", "+++ --- end Task from nested launch, 300L")

        println("+++ --- exit Task from coroutine scope") // This line will be printed before the nested launch

    launch {
        println("+++ start Task from runBlocking, with 30L delay")
        println("+++ end Task from runBlocking, with 30L delay")

    launch {
        println("+++ start Task from runBlocking, with 100L delay")
        println("+++ end Task from runBlocking, with 100L delay")


Log.e("+++", "--- exit  testCoroutines_3 scope is over") // This line is not printed until the nested launch completes



10:35:05.819 4657-4657 +++ enter testCoroutines_3
10:35:05.828 4657-4657 +++ enter Task from coroutineScope
10:35:05.833 4657-4657 +++ start Task from runBlocking, with 200L delay
10:35:05.833 4657-4657 +++ start Task from runBlocking, with 50L delay
10:35:05.833 4657-4657 +++ start Task from runBlocking, with 70L delay
10:35:05.834 4657-4657 +++ === start Task from nested launch, 500L
10:35:05.885 4657-4657 +++ end Task from runBlocking, with 50L delay
10:35:05.905 4657-4657 +++ end Task from runBlocking, with 70L delay
10:35:05.932 4657-4657 +++ in Task from coroutineScope after delay(100L)
10:35:05.933 4657-4657 +++ --- exit Task from coroutine scope
10:35:05.935 4657-4657 +++ === start Task from nested launch, 300L
10:35:06.034 4657-4657 +++ end Task from runBlocking, with 200L delay
10:35:06.235 4657-4657 +++ --- end Task from nested launch, 300L
10:35:06.334 4657-4657 +++ --- end Task from nested launch, 500L
10:35:06.335 4657-4657 +++ start Task from runBlocking, with 30L delay
10:35:06.335 4657-4657 +++ start Task from runBlocking, with 100L delay
10:35:06.366 4657-4657 +++ end Task from runBlocking, with 30L delay
10:35:06.436 4657-4657 +++ end Task from runBlocking, with 100L delay
10:35:06.437 4657-4657--- exit  testCoroutines_3 scope is over

认为至少+++ start Task from runBlocking, with 30L delay 应该在之后+++ === start Task from nested launch, 500L和之前出现+++ end Task from runBlocking, with 50L delay,但它并没有出现,毕竟launch完成后+++ --- end Task from nested launch, 500L


(我正在使用 android 应用程序进行测试,单击按钮调用testCoroutines

标签: kotlinkotlin-coroutinescoroutinescope




