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Firestore if I read a collection and the collection contains 100 documents then is firebase calculate it as 100 read operation or 1 read operation?

If my 1 document contains another 2 collections and each sub collection contains 10 docs then How much will be the total read count in this case? if it counts subcollection and it doc separately then Firestore is very very high pricing

标签: google-cloud-firestore


如果您从包含 100 个文档的集合中读取所有文档,那么您正在阅读 100 个文档。因此,您需要为 100 次文档读取付费。


如果您正在努力寻找在灵活结构和限制所需读取次数之间取得平衡的数据模型,我建议您观看“了解 Cloud Firestore”视频系列,特别是以下几集:
