首页 > 解决方案 > Google G-Suite API Console not showing Enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegation


I'm working with a client to setup service account credentials, for the purpose of reading G-Suite Directory information over API.

I've done this a dozen times before with no issues, and now I'm having a problem with a setting not showing up for the client.

Below is an image that shows what I would see normally. The area circled in read is where the ability to enable Domain-Wide Delegation exists.

enter image description here

However, the client does now see that section. Instead they see this button. And clicking the button just displays the Client ID's, but doesn't have an option to Enable Domain-Wide Delegation.

enter image description here

We haven't gone through the entire setup to test if this service account works, and I haven't been able to duplicate this UI interface with my testing accounts. I always get the "Show Domain-Wide Delegation" from the first image, and not the button.

The client says they are a Super Admin on the G-Suite Admin Console. I have detailed instructions for all the steps prior, which they said are exactly correct. The only difference is when they get to this page.

I was hoping someone would have some insight into why this interface would be different, and what might be some ways around fixing it?

标签: google-cloud-platformgoogle-workspacegoogle-console-developer


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