首页 > 解决方案 > 将函数映射到快速错误中的全局变量“初始化程序'init(_:)'要求'[_]'符合'LosslessStringConvertible'”


我有这个 JSON 数据,我只是用 JSONDecoder 解析。我已经制作了一个结构来解码这个 JSON 数据,我希望该 JSON 中的这个值是一个全局变量,这样我就可以将它传递给其他控制器。我已经创建了这个全局变量,我只想将我的 JSON 变量放入这个全局变量中。

由于它是 anInt并且我的全局变量是 a string,所以我尝试先将其转换为 : var a = string(jsonvalue),但出现此错误:

Initializer'init(_:)'要求'[_]'符合 'LosslessStringConvertible'



            struct GlobalVariable {

                static var ProjectId = String() //project id
                static var UserId = String() // User Id
                var GroupId = String() // group Id
                static var Status = String() //Status for login 

                init(dictionary : [String : Any]) {
                    id = dictionary ["id"] as! Int
                    name = dictionary ["name"] as! String
                    email = dictionary ["email"] as! String
                    status = dictionary ["status"] as! String

                enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
                   case id = "id"
                   case name = "name"
                   case email = "email"
                   case status = "status"

        var Loginnn = [login]()

        struct login : Codable {
            let id : Int
            let name : String
            let email : String
            let status : String

        let parsing = try JSONDecoder().decode([login].self,    from: data)
        self.Loginnn = parsing

        //This is for login verification
        let stats = self.Loginnn.map { $0.status}

        //this is the Id value I try to make into global Variable
        let ids = self.Loginnn.map { $0.id} // I use this map    function to extract that value and put it into the variable 

        GlobalVariable.UserId = String(ids)// I use string to   convert from int to string. --> this is where the error begin 

        if stats.contains("1"){ // Login Success
            print("Login Success")
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
        }else if stats.isEmpty {//fail login 
            let action = UIAlertAction(title: "Got It", style: .default, handler: nil)
            let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Wrong Email / Password", message: "Please Try Again ", preferredStyle: .alert)
            self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

从那行代码 : let ids = self.Loginnn.map { $0.id},我可以从中获取该 id 值JSONDecoder,但是当我尝试将其放入全局变量时,它会显示如下错误:

Initializer'init(_:)'要求'[_]'符合 'LosslessStringConvertible'


标签: swiftdictionaryglobal-variablesswift4


假设您在 json 消息中只得到一行,或者只有第一行是有趣的,您可以做

if let id = ids.first {
    let GlobalVariable.UserId = String(id)
