首页 > 解决方案 > How to query ODBC with Dapper with multiple parameters including a WHERE IN?


I've hit an issue using Dapper to query an ODBC provider. The query in question is supplied several parameters. One of the parameters is used to populate a WHERE IN operator.

So far I've tried supplying the query with: DynamicParameters, ? regular parameters, ?name? pseudo-positional parameters and some combinations of these.

SELECT companyId
FROM certificate
WHERE companyId = ?companyId?
    AND projectId = ?projectId?
    AND contractId = ?contractId?
    AND invoiceId IN ?invoiceIds?
var results = await connection
    .QueryAsync<Certificate>(query, new { companyId, projectId, contractId, invoiceIds = new string[] { '1a', '1b', '2a' }});

Expected results are several rows being returned. If I hardcode the query with it's parameters it works fine, so the data I'm supplying should return rows.

Instead I'm getting an exception with the following message:

ERROR [07001] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Value has not been specified for parameter 4.
ERROR [07001] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Value has not been specified for parameter 5.

标签: sqlodbcdapper



var results = await connection
         new { companyId=1, projectId=1, contractId=1, invoiceIds = new [] { "1a", "1b", "2a" }});
