首页 > 解决方案 > 标准输入流使用的内部缓冲区 (pubsetbuf)


我正在尝试设置输入流的内部缓冲区,但我在 C++17 中的实现没有为 istringstream 实现 pubsetbuf()。


它与关于输出流的这个问题密切相关: 设置标准流使用的内部缓冲区(pubsetbuf)


// Modified template from the other question about an output stream.
// This is for an input stream, but I can't get it to work.
template <typename char_type>
struct istreambuf : public std::basic_streambuf<char_type, std::char_traits<char_type> >
    istreambuf(char_type* buffer, std::streamsize buffer_length)
        // Set the "put" pointer to the start of the buffer and record its length.
        this->setp(buffer, buffer + buffer_length);

int main()
    ifstream infile(FILENAME, std::ifstream::binary);
    if (!infile.is_open())
        cerr << endl << "Failed to open file " << FILENAME << endl;
        return 0;

    // Works, but slow.
    //istringstream local_stream;
    //local_stream << infile.rdbuf();

    // Works, but creates a copy.
    //istringstream local_stream(&buffer[0]);  

    // Works, but creates a copy.

    // Read entire file into buffer.
    infile.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
    streampos length = infile.tellg();
    infile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
    vector<char> buffer(length);
    //char* buffer = new char[length];
    infile.read(&buffer[0], length);

    // Doesn't work, but should point to original.
    // It returns "this" (does nothing).
    //local_stream.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(&buffer[0], length);  

    // Works, but deprecated in C++98.
    //std::istrstream local_stream(&buffer[0]);  
    //local_stream.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(&buffer[0], length);

    // I followed the example in the other question about an output stream,
    // but I modified for an input stream. I can't get it to work. Any ideas?
    istreambuf<char> istream_buffer(&buffer[0], length);
    istream local_stream(&istream_buffer);

    string str1, str2;
    while (local_stream >> str1 && local_stream >> str2)
        . . .

标签: c++istreamistringstream



模板 <typename char_type>
结构 istreambuf : 公共 std::basic_streambuf<char_type, std::char_traits<char_type> >
    istreambuf(char_type* 缓冲区,std::streamsize 缓冲区长度)
        // 将“put”指针设置为缓冲区的开头并记录其长度。
        //this->setp(buffer, buffer + buffer_length);

        // 将“get”指针设置为缓冲区的开头,即下一项,并记录其长度。
        this->setg(buffer, buffer, buffer + buffer_length);

