首页 > 解决方案 > Slick:如何按 isBefore Timestamp 数据库属性过滤?


我在 Slick 4.0.1 上天真地做了以下事情。我有一个到期数据库字段,我需要找到在给定时间戳之前到期的所有行。

这就是 Slick 映射的样子:

/** Table description of table auth_token. Objects of this class serve as prototypes for rows in queries. */
class AuthToken(_tableTag: Tag) extends profile.api.Table[AuthTokenRow](_tableTag, Some("myappdb"), "auth_token") with IdentifyableTable[Long] {
  override def id = userId

  def * = (userId, tokenId, expiry) <> (AuthTokenRow.tupled, AuthTokenRow.unapply)
  /** Maps whole row to an option. Useful for outer joins. */
  def ? = ((Rep.Some(userId), Rep.Some(tokenId), Rep.Some(expiry))).shaped.<>({ r => import r._; _1.map(_ => AuthTokenRow.tupled((_1.get, _2.get, _3.get))) }, (_: Any) => throw new Exception("Inserting into ? projection not supported."))

  /** Database column user_id SqlType(BIGINT UNSIGNED) */
  val userId: Rep[Long] = column[Long]("user_id")
  /** Database column token_id SqlType(CHAR), Length(36,false) */
  val tokenId: Rep[String] = column[String]("token_id", O.Length(36, varying = false))
  /** Database column expiry SqlType(TIMESTAMP) */
  val expiry: Rep[java.sql.Timestamp] = column[java.sql.Timestamp]("expiry")

  /** Foreign key referencing User (database name auth_token_ibfk_1) */
  lazy val userFk = foreignKey("auth_token_ibfk_1", userId, User)(r => r.id, onUpdate = ForeignKeyAction.NoAction, onDelete = ForeignKeyAction.Cascade)

  /** Index over (tokenId) (database name idx_token_id) */
  val index1 = index("idx_token_id", tokenId)
/** Collection-like TableQuery object for table AuthToken */
lazy val AuthToken = new TableQuery(tag => new AuthToken(tag))


 * Finds expired tokens.
 * @param dateTime The current date time.
def findExpired(dateTime: org.joda.time.DateTime): Future[Seq[AuthTokenRow]] = {
  val action = AuthToken.filter(authToken => authToken.expiry.isBefore(dateTime)).result

如何在 Slick 中正确/正式地覆盖这个用例?

标签: scalajodatimeslick


我通过重用项目slick-joda-mapper解决了这个问题。由于使用了 Slick 生成器等,该解决方案有点涉及,但它非常干净,我喜欢它。基本上,它可以将数据库日期时间类型映射到 Joda 类型,例如org.joda.time.DateTime. 因此,我的解决方案变得像使用 Joda DateTime 支持的比较运算符一样简单:

 * Finds expired tokens.
 * @param dateTime The current date time.
override def findExpired(dateTime: org.joda.time.DateTime): Future[Seq[AuthTokenRow]] = {
  val action = AuthToken.filter(authToken => authToken.expiry < dateTime).result
