首页 > 解决方案 > 如何从 vanilla JS 中的元素中删除 CSS 动画


我有一个由 nxn 个较小的方形 div 元素组成的方形网格,我想用 CSS 背景颜色动画按顺序照亮这些元素。我有一个为序列生成随机数组的函数。我遇到的麻烦是,一旦某个正方形被照亮了一次,如果它在阵列中再次出现,它就不会再次照亮。我相信这是因为一旦为元素分配了 CSS 动画,动画就无法在该元素上再次触发,我想不出办法让它工作。这是针对我正在学习的响应式 Web 应用程序课程,并且评估规定我们只能使用 vanilla JS,并且所有元素必须在 JS 中创建并附加到<body>index.html 中的空白处。

根据序列的每个闪光都是通过一个 setTimeout 函数触发的,该函数循环遍历数组中的所有元素,每次循环将其计时器增加 1 秒(动画长度也是 1 秒)。

定义容器和子 div:

function createGameContainer(n, width, height) {
    var container = document.createElement('div');

    //CSS styling
    container.style.margin = '50px auto'
    container.style.width = width;
    container.style.height = height;
    container.style.display = 'grid';

    // loop generates string to create necessary number of grid columns based on the width of the grid of squares
    var columns = '';
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        columns += ' calc(' + container.style.width + '/' + n.toString() + ')'
    container.style.gridTemplateColumns = columns;

    container.style.gridRow = 'auto auto';

    // gap variable to reduce column and row gap for larger grid sizes
    // if n is ever set to less than 2, gap is hardcoded to 20 to avoid taking square root of 0 or a negative value
    var gap;
    if (n > 1) {
        gap = 20/Math.sqrt(n-1);
    } else {
        gap = 20;

    container.style.gridColumnGap = gap.toString() + 'px';
    container.style.gridRowGap = gap.toString() + 'px';

    container.setAttribute('id', 'game-container');


function to create individual squares to be appended to parent game container
function createSquare(id) {
    var square = document.createElement('div');

    //CSS styling
    square.style.backgroundColor = '#333';
    //square.style.padding = '20px';
    square.style.borderRadius = '5px';
    square.style.display = 'flex';
    square.style.alignItems = 'center';
    //set class and square id
    square.setAttribute('class', 'square');
    square.setAttribute('id', id);

    return square;
function to create game container and and squares and append squares to parent container
parameter n denotes dimensions of game grid - n x n grid

function createGameWindow(n, width, height) {
    window.dimension = n;
    createGameContainer(n, width, height);

    loop creates n**2 number of squares to fill game container and assigns an id to each square from 0 at the top left square to (n**2)-1 at the bottom right square
    for (i = 0; i < n**2; i++) {
        var x = createSquare(i);


@keyframes flash {
    0% {
        background: #333;

    50% {
        background: orange

    100% {
        background: #333;

.flashing {
    animation: flash 1s;


function generateSequence(sequenceLength) {
    var sequence = [];
    for (i = 0; i < sequenceLength; i++) {
        var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (dimension**2));
        // the following loop ensures each element in the sequence is different than the previous element
        while (sequence[i-1] == random) {
            random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (dimension**2));
        sequence[i] = random;

    return sequence;


function flash(index, delay) {
    setTimeout( function() {
        flashingSquare = document.getElementById(index);
        flashingSquare.style.animation = 'flashOne 1s';
        flashingSquare.addEventListener('animationend', function() {
            flashingSquare.style.animation = '';
    }, delay);    


function flash(index, delay) {
    setTimeout( function() {
        flashingSquare = document.getElementById(index);
    }, delay);    


function displaySequence(sequenceLength) {
    var sequence = generateSequence(sequenceLength);

    i = 0;
    while (i < sequence.length) {
        index = sequence[i].toString();
        flash(index, i*1000);



标签: javascriptcss


经过一番研究,我想出了一个解决方法。我重写了该函数,以便 setTimeout 嵌套在 for 循环中,而 setTimeout 嵌套在立即调用的函数表达式中(我仍然不完全理解,但是嘿,如果它有效的话)。新函数如下所示:

function to display game sequence
length can be any integer greater than 1
speed is time between flashes in ms and can presently be set to 1000, 750, 500 and 250.
animation length for each speed is set by a corresponding speed class
in CSS main - .flashing1000 .flashing750 .flashing500 and .flashing250
function displaySequence(length, speed) {
    var sequence = generateSequence(length);

    for (i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++) {
        //       immediately invoked function expression
        (function(i) {
            setTimeout( function () {
                var sq = document.getElementById(sequence[i]);
                sq.classList.add('flashing' + speed.toString());
                sq.addEventListener('animationend', function() {
                    sq.classList.remove('flashing' + speed.toString());
            }, (speed * i))


@keyframes flash {
    0% {
        background: #333;

    50% {
        background: orange

    100% {
        background: #333;

.flashing1000 {
    animation: flash 975ms;

.flashing750 {
    animation: flash 725ms;

.flashing500 {
    animation: flash 475ms;

.flashing250 {
    animation: flash 225ms;

