首页 > 解决方案 > How to process calls one by one through the cvp script?


I have a problem that demands processing calls one by one. Once first call enters our decision loop another call should be redirected to a diferent loop untill first call is processed . We have an issue when 2 calls enter in the script one second appart they are processed by call studio at the same time. Is somehow possible to dynamicly separate those calls?

we already tried to separate calls with set local variable elemtn but it does not get update quickly enough to distinguish different calls

We need calls to enter the script one at the time,not together

标签: ipcallcentervoicecisco


您可以通过在 icm 中添加一个 5 秒的等待节点来管理它。当调用进入 icm 中的 vxml 脚本时,我们会添加 5 秒延迟。在等待节点之前添加一个 % 分配器节点,该节点将有两条路径,一条等待 5 秒,一条没有。因此,当同时触发两个呼叫时,一个将经过等待,一个将立即进入决策,您可以在两者之间翻转。
