首页 > 解决方案 > LINQ 查询将两个表连接在一起以返回错误的值


我有一个 linq 查询,它通过匹配方法名称将两个表连接在一起。在表中,我需要查找“全局”值,如果找到,则将称为“参数”的方法中的子元素相互比较,以确保两个表具有相同的对应项,并且如果一个方法参数与其他任何一个参数不匹配然后返回假。

下面是一个结果示例。我们可以看到 seqEquals 找到了一个不等于任何其他方法的“方法”,但是,LINQ 查询返回所有值,我想只提取“seqEquals”的假我尝试将字符串比较放在其中'where' 子句,但是结果并没有像预期的那样相互比较。

{ mOneName = GetItemsJSON, seqEqual = False, mOneParm = [
    "name": "itemTypes",
    "type": "List"
    "name": "textSearch",
    "type": "String"
], mTwoParm = [
    "name": "propertyId",
    "type": "String"
    "name": "revClassIds",
    "type": "List"
    "name": "itemTypes",
    "type": "List"
    "name": "textSearch",
    "type": "String"
    "name": "eventId",
    "type": "String"
] }

C# 代码

        var ST1 = firstOrgST["records"][0]["SymbolTable"]["methods"];
        var ST2 = secondOrgST["records"][0]["SymbolTable"]["methods"];

        // joins both tables and pulls the methods containing global from the joins
        var STDiff =
            from one in ST1
            join two in ST2
                on one.Value<String>("name") equals two.Value<string>("name")
            where one["modifiers"].Values().Contains("global")
            select new
                mOneName = one["name"],
                seqEqual = one["parameters"].ToString() == two["parameters"].ToString(),
                mOneParm = one["parameters"],
                mTwoParm = two["parameters"]

        var errorFound = false;
        var errorMethod = "";

        foreach (var i in STDiff)
        {    Console.WriteLine(i);
            if (!i.seqEqual)
                errorFound = true;
                errorMethod = i.mOneName.ToString();

        // if error is found prints to console the class name as well as the method name
        if (errorFound)
            Console.WriteLine(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(symbolTable) + " on method: " + errorMethod + " has different parameters.\n");
            isDifferent = true;


  "SymbolTable": {
    "methods": [
        "annotations": [
            "name": "TestVisible"
        "location": {
          "column": 20,
          "line": 1056
        "modifiers": [
        "name": "GetItemsJSON",
        "parameters": [
            "name": "propertyId",
            "type": "String"
            "name": "revClassIds",
            "type": "List"
            "name": "itemTypes",
            "type": "List"
            "name": "itemCategories",
            "type": "List"
            "name": "textSearch",
            "type": "String"
            "name": "eventId",
            "type": "String"
        "references": [],
        "returnType": "String",
        "type": null
        "annotations": [],
        "location": {
          "column": 26,
          "line": 4313
        "modifiers": [
        "name": "GetItemsJSON",
        "parameters": [
            "name": "itemTypes",
            "type": "List"
            "name": "textSearch",
            "type": "String"
        "references": [],
        "returnType": "String",
        "type": null
        "annotations": [],
        "location": {
          "column": 26,
          "line": 4316
        "modifiers": [
        "name": "GetItemsJSON",
        "parameters": [
            "name": "propertyId",
            "type": "String"
            "name": "revClassIds",
            "type": "List"
            "name": "itemTypes",
            "type": "List"
            "name": "textSearch",
            "type": "String"
            "name": "eventId",
            "type": "String"

标签: c#linq


我建议您将数据表转换为对象列表,然后运行您的 linq 查询。

1)使用这样的通用方法将 DataTable 转换为对象列表

private static List<T> ConvertDataTable<T>(DataTable dt)  
    List<T> data = new List<T>();  
    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)  
        T item = GetItem<T>(row);  
    return data;  

private static T GetItem<T>(DataRow dr)  
    Type temp = typeof(T);  
    T obj = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();  

    foreach (DataColumn column in dr.Table.Columns)  
        foreach (PropertyInfo pro in temp.GetProperties())  
            if (pro.Name == column.ColumnName)  
                pro.SetValue(obj, dr[column.ColumnName], null);  
    return obj;  

2) 在对象列表上使用这样的 Linq 查询

    var ST1 = myTableData.ToList();
    var ST2 = myTableData.ToList();

    var STDiff = from one in ST1 
                 join two in ST2 
                 on one.name equals two.name
                 where one.modifiers.Contains("global")
            select new
                mOneName = one.name,
                seqEqual = CompareParamsAndGetMatchingIndex(one.parameters, two.parameters),
                mOneParm = one.parameters,
                mTwoParm = two.parameters

private int CompareParamsAndGetMatchingIndex(Parameter[] items1, Parameter[] items2) 
    if (items1.Length > items2.Length)
        return items2.Select((Parameter p, int i) => p.Equals(items1[i]) ? 1 : 0).Sum();
        return items1.Select((Parameter p, int i) => p.Equals(items2[i]) ? 1 : 0).Sum();

public class SymbolTableRoot
    public Symboltable SymbolTable { get; set; }

public class Symboltable
    public Method[] methods { get; set; }

public class Method
    public Annotation[] annotations { get; set; }
    public Location location { get; set; }
    public string[] modifiers { get; set; }
    public string name { get; set; }
    public Parameter[] parameters { get; set; }
    public object[] references { get; set; }
    public string returnType { get; set; }
    public object type { get; set; }

public class Location
    public int column { get; set; }
    public int line { get; set; }

public class Annotation
    public string name { get; set; }

public class Parameter : IEquatable<Parameter>
    public string name { get; set; }
    public string type { get; set; }

    public bool Equals(Parameter other)
        return other?.name == name && other?.type == type;
