首页 > 解决方案 > How to test if a category already exists? PrestaShop


I get the category from other database web service and I put them on PrestaShop when I refresh the file to add categories I wanna make sure if the category id exists, if exist I wanna update the category.

$XMLRQString = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'.
    '<x:Winmax4GetFamiliesRQ xmlns:x="urn:Winmax4GetFamiliesRQ">'.
    '</x:Winmax4GetFamiliesRQ >';

$return = $client->GetFamilies($Params);
$XMLRSString = new SimpleXMLElement($return->GetFamiliesResult);
if ($XMLRSString->Code > 0)
    echo '</br>Error: '.$XMLRSString->Code." ".$XMLRSString->Message;

        foreach ($XMLRSString->Families->Family as $family)

            $category = new Category();

            $category->id = $family->Code;

            $category->force_id = true;

            $category->is_root_category = false;

            $category->name = array((int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT') => $family->Designation);

            $category->link_rewrite = array((int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT') =>  $family->Code);

            $category->id_parent = Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY');



标签: phpxmlweb-servicesprestashop


一般来说,如果您有大数据(还有安全数据),最好将数据直接插入数据库。使用 Db 类而不是 Category 类。

否则,您必须使用 save() 方法而不是 add() 方法
