首页 > 解决方案 > “工作表”对象没有属性“max_col”


我在其他项目中多次使用 max_col 属性,但不断收到错误'Worksheet' object has no attribute 'max_col'

我特别困惑,因为我在它上面使用了 max_row ,没有错误。我检查了文档,max_col 似乎仍然正确?


# excelToCSV.py - Converts all excel files in a directory to CSV, one file
# per sheet

import openpyxl
import csv
import os

for excelFile in os.listdir('.'):
    #Skip non-xlsx files, load the workbook object.
    if excelFile.endswith('.xlsx'):
        wbA = openpyxl.load_workbook(excelFile)
        #Loop through each sheet in the workbook
        for sheet in wbA.worksheets:    #Note: changing wb to wb.worksheets
            sheetName = sheet.title
            sheetA = wbA.get_sheet_by_name(sheetName)
            # Create the CSV filename from the excel filename and sheet title
            excelFileStripped = excelFile.strip('.xlsx')
            csvFilename = excelFileStripped + '_' + sheetName + '.csv'
            # Create the csv.writer object for this csv file
            csvFile = open(csvFilename, 'w', newline='')
            csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)
            # Loop through every row in the sheet
            maxRow = sheetA.max_row
            maxCol = sheetA.max_col

标签: python-3.xopenpyxl


