首页 > 解决方案 > How to count number of emails and average of emails sent by hour?


I'm working on reports with Power BI. I want to get for each hour the number of emails sent. I did the query in SQL Server but I'm having a difficulty translating it to DAX to create a measure.Also I want to get the average number of emails sent by hour.

My query is like below :

 select datepart(hour,CreatedDate), count(MailId) from [DW PI].[dbo].[Email Fact] 
      group by datepart(hour,CreatedDate)
      order by count(MailId) desc 

enter image description here

标签: sql-servertsqlpowerbi



Hour = HOUR(Email Fact[CreatedDate])

现在,您将此列与 MailId 一起添加到您的表视觉对象中。

最后一点:你想要一个 MailId 的计数,而不是 Sum。对你来说,这是 MailId 的计数 在此处输入图像描述
