首页 > 解决方案 > SharePoint 2010 列表、计算列、If 语句修改不起作用





=IF(AND(LEFT([EVENT TYPE],8)<>"Mtng (PM",LEFT([EVENT TYPE],8)<>"Mtng (eP",LEFT([EVENT TYPE],8)<> "Mtng (DS",LEFT([EVENT TYPE],8)<>"Mtng (#D"),"N/A for this row", IF(OR([(DC1) EDS?]="",[ (DC2) Part Info]="",[(DC3) Part Innov]="",[(DC4) Other]=""),"填充 DC 列 (1-4)",IF(OR(LEFT([ (DC1) EDS?],1)<>"4",LEFT([(DC2) Part Info],1)<>"4",LEFT([(DC3) Part Innov],1)<>"4" ,LEFT([(DC4) 其他],1)<>"4"),"是","否")))

--新公式(抛出错误)- 完全从旧公式复制的粗体部分:

=IF(AND(LEFT([EVENT TYPE],8)<>"Mtng (PM",LEFT([EVENT TYPE],8)<>"Mtng (eP",LEFT([EVENT TYPE],8)<> "Mtng (DS",LEFT([EVENT TYPE],8)<>"Mtng (#D"), "N/A for this row", [添加到数据收集日历?])

修改后的公式(粗体)中的语法和条件直接来自旧公式。如果条件为假,我只希望公式输入“添加到”列的内容,而不是添加其他 If 语句。


我试图将计算列设置为简单的“= [添加到数据收集日历?]”以检查“添加到...”列是否存在问题,但该公式有效并让我得到“添加”的内容到……”栏目。


更新(2019 年 6 月 3 日)我在 Excel 中输入了新公式,为 [EVENT TYPE] 和 [Add to Data Collection Calendar?] 添加了两列,公式语法工作正常,可以提供准确的输出:

=IF(AND(LEFT(A4,8)<>"Mtng (PM",LEFT(A4,8)<>"Mtng (eP",LEFT(A4,8)<>"Mtng (DS",LEFT(A4,8)<>"Mtng (#D"), "N/A for this row", C4)

由于旧公式有效,我认为我不需要这样做,但仍然测试将公式设置为“= [EVENT TYPE]”并出现语法错误!所以问题出在 EVENT TYPE 列上。为什么同一列在以前的公式中运行良好时会出现错误?(EVENT TYPE 是一个选择列,带有用于单项选择的下拉菜单)。

标签: if-statementsharepoint-2010conditional-statementscalculated-columns


Solved: This is bizarre on more than one level.

I found a solution from a post by someone whose column was named exactly the same "EVENT TYPE". The solution offered by someone (link below) was to remove the space between the two words to make it "EventType". I added an underscore instead, and IT WORKED!

The strange part is, the other column in the formula "Add to Data...." works fine with all the spaces. The square brackets are suppose to take care of spaces in any case.

Perhaps "EVENT TYPE" has keyword/s that triggered the issue. But again, they worked fine in previous formula. Perhaps simply changing the column name corrected for something, like rebooting works for some Excel issues?!

Solved by using this link: https://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/86548/unable-to-add-a-choice-field-to-a-calculated-field-sharepoint-foundation-2013
