首页 > 解决方案 > LotusScript - 如何创建按钮以更改某些字段中的值并刷新表单?


目前在 LotusNotes 中重新处理旧表单,如果用户编辑表单,某些字段将被重置为空白。现在我需要将该功能放入一个按钮中,以便用户可以简单地进行编辑而无需重置这些字段,但仍允许他们在需要时使用重置功能。

我基本上所做的是复制启用此功能的表单部分中的 LotusScript 代码并将其粘贴到按钮操作中:

Reset Approval (Action) : (Declaration)

Dim editflag as string

Reset Approval (Action) : Click

Sub Click(Source As button)

Dim w As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument

Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set uidoc = w.CurrentDocument

 ' Get value for Approver 1 and 2

Approver_1 = uidoc.FieldGetText( "Approver_1" )
Approver_2 = uidoc.FieldGetText( "Approver_2" )
status1 = uidoc.FieldGetText( "status1" )
status2 = uidoc.FieldGetText( "status2" )
author = uidoc.FieldGetText( "Author" )
submit = uidoc.FieldGetText( "submit" ) 
cname = session.CommonUserName & "/ASY/MAWA"
aname = session.UserName

'Msgbox submit
'Cannot edit if user is not the author or approver 1 and 2
If (aname <> author And cname <> Approver_1  And  cname <> Approver_2) Then
    Msgbox "You Dont Have The Authorization To Edit This Document", 16, "Access Restricted"
    Continue = False
    Exit Sub
End If  

 '''''''''''''If user is the author prompt warning if the form already approved
If (aname = author And (status1 = "Yes" Or status2 = "Yes")) Then
    Message = "Editing This Document Will Reset The Approval Status" & Chr$(13) &_ 
    "Do you wish to continue?"  
    YesNo = Messagebox(Message,36,"Continue?")
    If YesNo = 7 Then 
        continue = False
        Exit Sub
        editflag = "Y"
    End If
End If  

Dim doc1 As NotesDocument
Dim source1 As NotesUIDocument
'Use backend notes object to assign value to current document
Set doc1 = source1.Document

'Check if document in edit mode
If (source1.EditMode = True) Then
    'If edit flag is "Y" then reset status1 and status2 value
    If (editflag = "Y") Then            
        doc1.ReplaceItemValue "status1", ""
        doc1.ReplaceItemValue "status2" ,""
        doc1.ReplaceItemValue "submit" ,"progress"
    End If
End If
'Refresh document to anable send button
Call source1.Refresh    

End Sub

当我保存更改时,我没有收到任何错误消息,所以我认为它没问题。但是当我尝试对其进行测试时,我得到一个Object Variable is not set错误并且表单没有改变。我错过了什么?

标签: lotus-noteslotusscript


首先:永远不要在没有错误处理程序的情况下编写任何一行 LotusScript。将这些行放在您的代码周围:

On error goto ErrorHandler

...your code... 

  Exit Sub
  Msgbox err+"-"+error+" in line "+erl
  Resume EndOfRoutine


Set doc1 = source1.document

因为您从未设置 uidoc1,而仅设置 uidoc。


Set doc1 = uidoc.Document

并用 uidoc 替换 source1 的所有其他实例(您可以将 Dim source1 作为 NotesUiDocument 行删除)然后它将起作用。
