首页 > 解决方案 > Change path in asset-manifest.json


I've grabbed this example ReactJS project > https://github.com/alik0211/pokedex to experiment with Azure devops. When I build the project locally and use npm start in the build folder the app works fine. This is the path for a file http://localhost:3000/static/js/0.chunk.js`.

But on my Azure environment http://pokedeks.azurewebsites.net/ the server is looking for http://pokedeks.azurewebsites.net/pokedex/static/js/2.c662eb5c.chunk.js. Notice that the `/pokedex/ folder has been added to the path. I'm unsure why this is happening.

I can reproduce it locally by running serve in the build folder instead of npm start: http://localhost:5000/pokedex/static/js/2.a7ba4e0c.chunk.js

I've tried adding npm start to my tasks in the release pipeline but that's also causing errors. So I think the fastest way is to figure out why when using serve the /pokedex/ folder gets added to the routes?

标签: reactjsazure


当我运行文件的路径正确时,我通过替换homepagepackage.json从现在"homepage": "https://alik0211.github.io/pokedex/",到现在的值解决了这个问题。"homepage": "./",serve
