首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在数组中获取特定的用户输入?


我正在编写一个程序,该程序通过加倍将二进制数转换为十进制数(链接到 wikihow 文章)。

如果用户输入不是 1 或 0,那么它不是二进制数,在这种情况下,我希望循环“中断”并说如下内容:

“糟糕!二进制数只有 1 或 0”。



for(int digits = 0; digits != digitsINbinNum; ++digits){
      if(a condition that checks if user input is anything else than 1 or 0){
         coût << ""Oops! Binary numbers have only 1 or 0" << endl; 
        cin >> binArray[digits];/*<-----------Here's the part where I am trying to do that*/


#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>

using namespace std;

int main(){
    int digitsINbinNum;
    cout << "If you don't mind. Please enter the number of digits in your binary number: ";
    cin >> digitsINbinNum;
    int binArray[digitsINbinNum];

    cout << "Enter the binary number: ";
    for(int digits = 0; digits != digitsINbinNum; ++digits){
        cin >> binArray[digits];/*<-----------Here's the part where I am trying to do that*/

/*using the doubling method as found in wikihow.com*/
    int total = 0;
    for(int posiOFdigit = 0; posiOFdigit != sizeof(binNum[noOFdigits]); posiOFdigit++){
        total = total * 2 + binNum[posiOFdigit];

    /*Printing the number*/
    cout << "Decimal form of ";
    for(int n = 0; n != noOFdigits; n++){
        cout << binNum[n];
    cout << " is " << total;
    return 0;

标签: c++arraysc++11c++14




注意:由于 ISO C++ 禁止变长数组,我将更 int binArray[digits]改为 int *binArray = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * digitsINbinNum);. 这种修改使它成为一个整数指针,并获得在运行时分配的所需大小的内存。

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){
    int digitsINbinNum,
        /* variable to keep decimal conversion of given binary */
        decimal_val = 0;
    bool is_binary = true;
    cout << "If you don't mind. Please enter the number of digits in your binary number: ";
    cin >> digitsINbinNum;
     ISO C++ forbids variable length array,
     making it int pointer and allocating dynamic memory
    int *binArray = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * digitsINbinNum);
    if (binArray == NULL)
        cout << "Memory allocation failure" << endl;
        exit -1;
    cout << "Enter the binary number: ";
    for(int digits = 0; digits != digitsINbinNum; ++digits){
        cin >> binArray[digits];
        /*<-----------Here's the part where I am trying to do that*/
        /* doubling method logic for conversion of given binary to decimal */
        if ((binArray[digits] == 0) ||
            (binArray[digits] == 1))
            decimal_val = (decimal_val * 2) + binArray[digits];
        else /* not a binary number */
            is_binary = false;
            cout << "Oops! Binary numbers have only 1 or 0" << endl;

    /* if conversion is successful: print result */
    if (is_binary)
        cout << "Decimal Value for given binary is: " << decimal_val << endl;
    if (binArray)
    return 0;
