首页 > 解决方案 > Aggregate values obtained from a callback function in ES6?


I have a class that exposes a way to enumerate some values (which may not be stored nicely in an array or other built-in collection):

class DataStore {
  constructor(values) {
    this.values = values;
  forEachData(callback) {
    // the callback is invoked with items specific to the logic of DataStore
    for (const x of this.values) {
    for (const x of this.values) {
      callback(2 * x);

In another function that uses this class, I would like to perform some kind of aggregation (i.e. reduction) operation on the values returned by the callback. Is there a concise way to express this using Array.prototype.reduce() or some other built-in way without doing the reduction manually?

// Inside my function
const data_store = ...; // DataStore object
const aggregate_op = (accumulator, current_value) => Math.min(accumulator, f(current_value));

// I'm wondering if there is a built-in language or library feature that does this kind of reduction:
let answer = 0;
data_store.forEachData(x => {
  answer = aggregate_op(answer, x);

Note: It is simple enough to do the reduction manually as above, but arguably, array reduction is also very simple without using Array.prototype.reduce():

const arr = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
let answer = 0;
arr.forEach(x => {
  answer = aggregate_op(answer, x);

标签: javascriptecmascript-6reduction



class DataStore {
  constructor(values) { /* constructor logic */ }

  forEachData(callback) { /* forEach logic */}

  reduce(callback, initialValue) {
    let value = initialValue;
      value = callback(value, x);

    return value;


let answer = data_store.reduce(aggregate_op, 0);


class DataStore extends Array { /* ... */ }


如果您可以忍受 Array 的限制,那么这是一种无需编码即可继承许多功能的简单方法。否则你需要实现你自己的reduce()
