首页 > 解决方案 > 合并多个流并写入已排序的输出流





 1. stream 1: 1, 2, 3, 4...
 2. stream 2: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

Output: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5....


final class Stream {
   public interface boolean isClosed();
   public interface int read();

// utility method to write numbers to consumer stream
public void write(Integer number);

我对这个问题的最初想法是它类似于LRU 缓存缓冲区。但是,这样做有两个问题:


标签: javaalgorithmdata-structureslinked-list


I shall assume that there are many streams, and each gives data in increasing order.

Now your stream interface has a small problem. You can build on top of that a class that consists of pairs (lastValue, stream) which has methods peek (returns lastValue) and readNext (if stream.isClosed() returns null, else returns the pair (stream.read(), stream). And one more thing, we can add a compareTo method that first compares lastValue and then compares stream.hashCode().

What these pairs buy us is that we can put them in a PriorityQueue. Which allows us to implement something like this logic:

construct initial pairs from streams
put them into a priority queue named pq
while 0 < pq.size()
    take the smallest pair p
    print p.peek()
    pNext = p.readNext()
    if pNext != null
        add pNext to pq

If n is the total amount of data between the streams, and m is the number of streams, this algorithm will take time O(n log(m) + m). The + m bit only shows up if you started with a lot of streams that were closed.
