首页 > 解决方案 > 如何对一般功能进行类型检查


我创建了一个实现 BFS 搜索的通用版本的类:

from collections import deque

class NodeSolver:
    '''Class for modeling problems that can be modeled as a directed graph with goal nodes'''
    def __init__(self, namer, detector, expander, follower):
        Whatever decides to use this gets to define what structure info is.
        namer: takes info representing a node and returns a hashable object (the name);
               names must be equal if and only if the nodes are equal
        detector: takes info and returns True if the node represented by the info is the goal node,
                  ...False otherwise.
        expander: takes info and returns an iterable of moves that can be made from the node
                  ...that the info represents. (a.k.a. paths leading out of that node)
        follower: takes info and a move that can be made from the node that the info represents,
                  ...and returns the info that represents the node that the move leads to
        self.get_name = namer
        self.is_goal = detector
        self.get_moves = expander
        self.follow_move = follower

class BFSSolver(NodeSolver):
    '''Class for solving node problems with breadth-first-search to reach the goal node'''
    def solve(self, start_info):
        Returns the list of moves needed to reach the goal node
        ...from the node represented by the parameter.
        Uses Breadth-first Search to go through the node tree
        if self.is_goal(start_info):
            return []

        start_name = self.get_name(start_info)

        # data is in the form (info, path)
        name_to_data = {start_name: (start_info, [])}
        queue = deque()


        while queue:
            current_name = queue.pop()
            current_info, current_path = name_to_data[current_name]

            expanded_moves = self.get_moves(current_info)
            # print("possible moves from {} is {}".format(current_info, expanded_moves))
            for move in expanded_moves:
                child_info = self.follow_move(current_info, move)
                child_path = current_path[:]

                if self.is_goal(child_info):
                    return child_path

                child_name = self.get_name(child_info)
                if child_name not in name_to_data:
                    # new, needs to be expanded
                    name_to_data[child_name] = (child_info, child_path)
        return None

什么是存在info、amove或 aname的实现完全取决于使用该类的人。





from collections import deque
from typing import Callable, Any, Iterable, List, Deque, Tuple, Dict, Optional, Hashable

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# Type definitions

# Can be literally anything
Info = Any
Name = Hashable
# Can be literally anything
Move = Any
# pylint: enable=invalid-name

class NodeSolver:
    '''Class for modeling problems that can be modeled as a directed graph with goal nodes'''
    def __init__(self, namer: Callable[[Info], Name],
                 detector: Callable[[Info], bool],
                 expander: Callable[[Info], Iterable[Move]],
                 follower: Callable[[Info, Move], Info]):
        Whatever decides to use this gets to define what structure info is.
        namer: takes info representing a node and returns a hashable object (the name);
               names must be equal if and only if the nodes are equal
        detector: takes info and returns True if the node represented by the info is the goal node,
                  ...False otherwise.
        expander: takes info and returns an iterable of moves that can be made from the node
                  ...that the info represents. (a.k.a. paths leading out of that node)
        follower: takes info and a move that can be made from the node that the info represents,
                  ...and returns the info that represents the node that the move leads to
        self.get_name = namer
        self.is_goal = detector
        self.get_moves = expander
        self.follow_move = follower

class BFSSolver(NodeSolver):
    '''Class for solving node problems with breadth-first-search to reach the goal node'''
    def solve(self, start_info: Info) -> Optional[List[Move]]:
        Returns the list of moves needed to reach the goal node
        ...from the node represented by the parameter.
        Uses Breadth-first Search to go through the node tree
        if self.is_goal(start_info):
            return []

        start_name = self.get_name(start_info)

        # data is in the form (info, path)
        name_to_data: Dict[Name, Tuple[Info, List[Move]]] = {start_name: (start_info, [])}
        queue: Deque[Name] = deque()


        while queue:
            current_name = queue.pop()
            current_info, current_path = name_to_data[current_name]

            expanded_moves = self.get_moves(current_info)
            # print("possible moves from {} is {}".format(current_info, expanded_moves))
            for move in expanded_moves:
                child_info = self.follow_move(current_info, move)
                child_path = current_path[:]

                if self.is_goal(child_info):
                    return child_path

                child_name = self.get_name(child_info)
                if child_name not in name_to_data:
                    # new, needs to be expanded
                    name_to_data[child_name] = (child_info, child_path)
        return None



标签: pythonpython-3.xtypecheckingmypy


使用TypeVars 和泛型

from collections import deque
from typing import Callable, Any, Iterable, List, Deque, Tuple, Dict, Optional, Hashable, TypeVar, Generic

TInfo = TypeVar('TInfo')
TName = TypeVar('TName', bound=Hashable)
TMove = TypeVar('TMove')

class NodeSolver(Generic[TInfo, TName, TMove]):
    '''Class for modeling problems that can be modeled as a directed graph with goal nodes'''
    def __init__(self,
                 namer: Callable[[TInfo], TName],
                 detector: Callable[[TInfo], bool],
                 expander: Callable[[TInfo], Iterable[TMove]],
                 follower: Callable[[TInfo, TMove], TInfo]):
        self.get_name = namer
        self.is_goal = detector
        self.get_moves = expander
        self.follow_move = follower

def namer1(info: int) -> str: ...
def detector1(info: int) -> bool: ...
def expander1(info: int) -> Iterable[bool]: ...
def follower1(info: int, move: bool) -> int: ...

def namer2(info: str) -> int: ...
def detector2(info: str) -> bool: ...
def expander2(info: str) -> Iterable[float]: ...
def follower2(info: str, move: float) -> str: ...

solver1 = NodeSolver(namer1, detector1, expander1, follower1)
solver2 = NodeSolver(namer2, detector2, expander2, follower2)

reveal_type(solver1)  # Revealed type is 'test.NodeSolver[builtins.int*, builtins.str*, builtins.bool*]'
reveal_type(solver2)  # Revealed type is 'test.NodeSolver[builtins.str*, builtins.int*, builtins.float*]'

gibberish = NodeSolver(namer1, detector2, expander1, follower2)  # Cannot infer type argument 1 of "NodeSolver"
reveal_type(gibberish)                                           # Revealed type is 'test.NodeSolver[Any, Any, Any]'

TypeVars 本质上充当推断类型的占位符,并将参数化您的 NodeSolver 类型。
