首页 > 解决方案 > 检索和使用 Microsoft 或 Mozilla 的 Root-CA 列表并在 Java 中使用?


OpenJDK for Windows 中包含的根 CA 证书列表非常令人印象深刻,但有很多根 CA 证书受到常见浏览器(如 Firefox)的信任,而 Java 不信任这些证书。

MicrosoftMozilla都发布了他们当前的根 CA 证书列表,但使用的文件格式似乎是专有的。

curl 项目有一个使用 Mozilla 文件作为源的自动转换器,但是这个转换器 ( mk-ca-bundle ) 是一个 Perl 脚本。

有没有办法用纯 Java 读取这些列表之一,以便之后可以用作信任存储?

标签: javassltruststoreroot-certificate


OpenJDK describes how they build the cacerts file in the Security files for OpenJDK repo. The script downloads the certificates from Mozilla:

wget https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/raw-file/tip/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt .

As per the repo instructions you could build your own cacerts file that will trust another list of certificates of your own choosing:

  1. Download the following Perl script: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/curl/curl/master/lib/mk-ca-bundle.pl

  2. Download the following Java application: https://github.com/use-sparingly/keyutil/releases/download/0.4.0/keyutil-0.4.0.jar (source available at https://github.com/use-sparingly/keyutil)

  3. Run the provided GenerateCertsFile.sh script with: bash ./GenerateCertsFile.sh - this will use the above files assuming they're located in the same directory as the script

  4. Use the cacerts provided: it must be in the jdk/jre/lib/security or jdk/lib/securityfolder
