首页 > 解决方案 > How to go about creating a changelog.md on every merge from master to staging branch?


I would like to automatically create a Changelog.md every time I merge from master to staging or from staging to production. How to best go around doing this ?

Where I'm getting stuck is that the project I'm currently working on - built with react-native - I haven't set neither git tags nor semver just yet. Do I need to have these things already set up before having a Changelog.md ? I think I might be over complicating things.

标签: gitdocumentationsemantic-versioningchangelog


我创建了一个 GitHub 应用程序“ Changelogg.io ”,以从合并的拉取请求中自动更改日志。

它检测 PR 中提到的更改并为其创建发布草案。添加发布版本后,它会自动更新 CHANGELOG.md 并且还有一个带有过滤器的 Web UI,用于生成的更改日志。


