首页 > 解决方案 > 在链表中使用 free() 的 Valgrind 错误




cellule_t * array[HASH_MAX] = {NULL};

然后我进行了所有插入以创建链接列表。我现在想要做的是释放()所有分配的内存来创建这一切。所以,就像我没有对大数组使用 malloc 一样,我只需要释放链表,我正在使用这个函数:

但是我从 Valgrind 得到了一些错误,并且这些块没有被释放。我将我使用的所有功能(包括主要功能)放入其中以使其更加清晰。

typedef struct cell{

   char *mot;
   char *traduction;
   struct cell *suivant;


int main()
int indice;
cellule_t *cel;
FILE*file = NULL;
char buffer[100] = "hello bye glass sorry";    
cellule_t *tabMajeur[HASH_MAX] = {0};
file = fopen("fichier.txt","r");
remplissage_hachage(tabMajeur,file);    (c:157)
libererMemorie(tabMajeur);  (c:159)


void remplissage_hachage (cellule_t **tabMajeur,FILE *fichier)
char  string1[20];
unsigned int indice = 0;
cellule_t *copy;
int boolean = 0;
char *string2, *string3 = NULL;
cellule_t *c =NULL;

while(fgets(string1,100,fichier) != NULL)
    string2 = strtok(string1,";");
    string3 = strtok(NULL,";"); 
    string3[strlen(string3)-1] = '\0';
    printf("string2 %s\n",string2);
    printf("string3 %s\n",string3);
    indice = hash_string(string2);
    boolean = 0;
    indice = recherche(tabMajeur,string2,&boolean,&c);

    if(boolean != 1) 
        copy = tabMajeur[indice];
        tabMajeur[indice] = creationCellule(string2,string3); (c: 64)
        tabMajeur[indice]->suivant = copy;    


cellule_t* creationCellule(char * mot, char *traduction)

  cellule_t *nouveau = (cellule_t *) malloc(sizeof(cellule_t)); (c:24)

  if(nouveau != NULL)
    nouveau -> mot = strdup(mot);
    nouveau -> traduction = strdup(traduction);
    nouveau -> suivant = NULL;

  return nouveau;


void libererMemorie(cellule_t **tabMajeur)

int i = 0;
cellule_t * cour;
cellule_t * copy;
for(i = 0 ; i < HASH_MAX; i++)
    cour = tabMajeur[i];
    while(cour != NULL)
        copy = cour;
        free(copy); (c:137)
        cour = cour->suivant; (c:138)


valgrind 错误是: 在此处输入图像描述

valgrind 错误的文本是:

==2550== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2550== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2550== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2550== Command: ./tp4
string2 hello
string3 bonjour
string2 bye
string3 au revoir
string2 sorry
string3 pardon
string2 glass
string3 verre
La traduction est bonjour au revoir verre pardon 
==2550== Invalid read of size 8
==2550==    at 0x108E55: libererMemorie (tp4.c:138)
==2550==    by 0x108F85: main (tp4.c:159)
==2550==  Address 0x522ea40 is 16 bytes inside a block of size 24 free'd
==2550==    at 0x4C30D3B: free (in 
 ==2550==    by 0x108E50: libererMemorie (tp4.c:137)
==2550==    by 0x108F85: main (tp4.c:159)
 ==2550==  Block was alloc'd at
==2550==    at 0x4C2FB0F: malloc (in 
 ==2550==    by 0x108A5D: creationCellule (tp4.c:24) 
 ==2550==    by 0x108BD8: remplissage_hachage (tp4.c:64)
==2550==    by 0x108F60: main (tp4.c:157)
==2550== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2550==     in use at exit: 605 bytes in 9 blocks
==2550==   total heap usage: 15 allocs, 6 frees, 5,821 bytes allocated
==2550== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2550==    definitely lost: 53 bytes in 8 blocks
==2550==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2550==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2550==    still reachable: 552 bytes in 1 blocks
==2550==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2550== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==2550== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==2550== ERROR SUMMARY: 4 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


标签: cpointerslinked-listvalgrindfree


“无效读取”错误可能源于这样一个事实:虽然您的哈希表中的每个存储桶都有一个单链表,但您正试图释放列表节点,然后在释放后访问指向下一个节点的指针'd 当前节点。


copy = cour;
cour = cour->suivant;

您正在创建未定义的行为,因为您正在释放节点,然后尝试通过cour指针访问已释放的内存以获取链表中的下一个指针。分配copy的值cour只复制了指针值本身。copy然后,您释放了和指向的内存cour,然后尝试访问已释放块中的内存。Valgrind 绝对不会喜欢这样。


copy = cour;
cour = cour->suivant;

