首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将方法返回类型设置为与其当前所在的类相同


中级 C# 程序员在这里。我正在编写一个网络包装器,并希望每种类型的数据包都能够定义自己的“OpenPacket”方法,该方法将接收与当前类相同类型的类的参数。我还想要另一种方法“WriteToPacket”,它将返回与其当前类相同类型的数据包。

例如。MessagePacket 类的WriteToPacket 将返回一个MessagePacket。我会使用继承并只返回一个数据包类型,但每个数据包都有不同的变量。另外,我正在将它开发为一个库,所以我希望能够在 dll 之外定义新的数据包类型。


public interface IPacket_Type<T> where T : class
    T OpenPacketFromMessage(NetIncomingMessage msg) ;
    NetOutgoingMessage PackPacketIntoMessage(NetOutgoingMessage msg, T packet);


public class TestPacket : Packet, IPacket_Type<TestPacket> {
    public int testInt;

    public TestPacket(string packet_name) : base(packet_name){}

    public TestPacket OpenPacketFromMessage(NetIncomingMessage msg)
        TestPacket packet = new TestPacket(packet_name);
        packet.testInt = msg.ReadInt32();

        return packet;

    public NetOutgoingMessage PackPacketIntoMessage(NetOutgoingMessage msg, TestPacket packet)
        return msg;

在服务器端收到类名后,我希望能够实例化这样的类。例如,制作一个 TestPacket 实例而不是一个数据包。我考虑这样做的一种方法是创建一个返回其当前类型的数据包类,因此允许我将其用作基础,始终返回类的类型。


标签: c#classnetworking



public class Sample {
    // This method returns the same instance of the sample class
    public Sample ReturnSampleInstance() {
        return this;

    // This method creates a completely new instance of the class with other data
    public Sample ReturnAnotherSampleInstance() {
        var sample = new Sample();
        // Perform some logic with the new sample instance or fill up some data
        return sample;

    // This method receives an instance of the same class and returns it
    public Sample ReceivesSampleInstanceAndReturnIt(Sample sampleInstance) {
        return sampleInstance;


// Generic Interface 
public interface ISample<Timplementation> {
    Timplementation GetCurrentInstanceUsingAnInterface();

// Class that implements the interface and passes itself to the ISample interface as a generic parameter
public class Sample : ISample<Sample> {
    // This method returns the same instance of the sample class
    public Sample ReturnSampleInstance() {
        return this;

    // This method creates a completely new instance of the class with other data
    public Sample ReturnAnotherSampleInstance() {
        var sample = new Sample();
        // Perform some logic with the new sample instance or fill up some data
        return sample;

    // This method receives an instance of the same class and returns it
    public Sample ReceivesSampleInstanceAndReturnIt(Sample sampleInstance) {
        return sampleInstance;

    // Get the current instance of the class through the method of the interface
    public Sample GetCurrentInstanceUsingAnInterface() {
        return this;
