首页 > 解决方案 > How to merge multiple Json files in folder in certain order


I have several JSON files in a folder and I want to combine them in a single one following certain order given in order.json

I´ve tested the code below that merges all the files but in alphabetical order based on file name.

jq -s . *.json > Merged.json

This is the file Shoes.json

{ "document": { "product": "Shoes", "info": [ { "day": "1", "month": "1", "entry": "Some text about Shoes for day 1 and month 1", "code": "AJKD" }, { "day": "2", "month": "1", "entry": "Some text about Shoes for day 2 and month 1", "code": "KKGIR" } ] } }

This is the file Watches.json

{ "document": { "product": "Watches",   "info": [ { "day": "2", "month": "3",   "entry": "Some text about Watches for day 2 and month 3",   "code": "PEWQ" }    ] }     }

This is the file Accesories.json

{ "document": { "product": "Accesories",    "info": [ { "day": "7", "month": "2",   "entry": "Some text about Accesories for day 7 and month 2",    "code": "UYAAC" }   ] }     }

This is the file that gives the order I want to get in output order.json

      "product 1":"Watches",
      "product 2":"Accesories",
      "product 3":"Shoes"

And the output file I´d like to get would be like this Merged.json:

               "entry":"Some text about Watches for day 2 and month 3",
               "entry":"Some text about Accesories for day 7 and month 2",
               "entry":"Some text about Shoes for day 1 and month 1",
               "entry":"Some text about Shoes for day 2 and month 1",

Maybe someone could help me with this case.

Any help would be very appreciated.

标签: jsonmergejq


这是一个使用 order.json 来确定 jq 将读取哪些文件的解决方案:

jq -n '{documents: [inputs.document]}' $(jq -r '.order[] + ".json"' order.json)



以下假设具有 bash-ful 功能:

mapfile -t args < <(jq -r '.order[] + ".json"' order.json)
jq -n '{documents: [inputs.document]}' "${args[@]}"

如果您的 bash 没有mapfile,您可以按如下方式设置 bash 变量:

while read -r f; do 
done < <(jq -r '.order[] + ".json"' order.json)
