首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 IDE 和 Build 中获取 NiFi UI 代码,因为那里与其他模块紧密耦合


如何在 IDE(Eclipse) 和 Build 中获取 NiFi UI 代码,因为它们与其他模块紧密耦合。在哪个模块中存在与 UI 相关的内容以及如何构建。

我发现https://github.com/apache/nifi/tree/ea9b0db2f620526c8dd0db595cf8b44c3ef835be/nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-framework-bundle/nifi-framework/nifi-web是存在 UI 相关代码的地方。如果这是正确的路径,那么我该如何导入和构建。

标签: apache-nifihdf


As you have found, the nifi-web module is part of nifi-framework, and nifi-framework is packaged as a NAR which is deployed to NiFi's lib directory.

The general process would be...

  1. Modify code in nifi-web
  2. Run mvn clean package or install on nifi-framework-bundle
  3. Copy nifi-framework-bundle/nifi-framework-nar/targer/nifi-framework-nar-<version>.nar to the lib directory of wherever you are running the application from, typically this would be something like nifi-assembly/target/nifi-1.10.0-SNAPSHOT-bin/nifi-1.10.0-SNAPSHOT

I can't speak to anything about Eclipse, but in Intellij you just import all modules from the root pom.
