首页 > 解决方案 > Xcode 故事板:如何使用 10 多个文本字段适应不同的屏幕尺寸


我已经在差不多 +2 天内一直在使用布局。观看多个 youtube 视频,阅读几乎 50 多个堆栈溢出线程,但我无法让我的布局适应不同的屏幕尺寸。



标签: iosswiftlayoutautolayoutconstraints


So if I understood correctly you want the second View to be always the half of the main View.Because the main is the whole screen and its going to be half the screen.

If you want something like this

enter image description here

Go to your storyboard

  • Add the secondView.
  • Add equal height with the main View(ctrl drag to main view).
  • 0 from right and top.
  • Then make the width half of the main view.(Multiplier: 0.5) enter image description here enter image description here
