首页 > 解决方案 > Python 如何抓取图像、文本和音频文件 url 的链接


我正在尝试从以下 url ( http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/m/dictionary/1000.html ) 中抓取数据。

因此,每个希伯来语单词部分都以 img urls 开头,然后是 2 个文本,即实际的希伯来语单词及其发音。例如 url 中的第一个条目是以下“img1 img2 img3 אֶלֶף e-leph” 希伯来语单词是使用 wget 下载 html 后的 unicode

我正在尝试收集这些信息,以便我首先获取图像文件,然后是希伯来语单词,然后是发音。最后我想找到音频文件的 URL。

此外,每个单词的每一行似乎都以 < A 标签开头。


from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = '1000.html'

    page = urlopen(url)
    print("Error opening the URL")

soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')

content = soup.find('<!--501-1000-->', {"<A Name= "})

images = ''
for i in content.findAll('*.jpg'):
    images = images + ' ' +  i.text

with open('scraped_text.txt', 'w') as file:

如您所见,我的代码并没有真正完成这项工作。最后,我想获取 URL 中每个单词的信息,并将其保存为文本文件或 json 文件,无论哪个更容易。



标签: pythonpython-3.xxpathweb-scraping


我写了一个脚本可以帮助你。它包含您要求的所有信息。由于希伯来字母,这不能保存为 json 文件,否则它会被存储为字节。我知道您不久前发布了这个问题,但我今天找到了它并决定试一试。无论如何,这里是:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import json

url = 'http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/m/dictionary/1000.html'
page = requests.get(url)

soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')

def images():
    #Gathers all the images (this includes unwanted gifs)
    imgs = soup.find_all('img')

    #Gets the src attribute to form the full url
    srcs = [img['src'] for img in imgs]
    base_url = 'https://www.ancient-hebrew.org/files/'

    imgs = {}
    section = 0
    #Goes through each source of all the images
    for src in srcs:
        #Checks if it is a gif, these act as a separator
        if src.endswith('.gif'):
            #If it is a gif, change sections (acts as separator)
            section += 1
            #If it is a letter image, use regex to extract the part of src we want and form full url
            actual_link = re.search(r'files/(.+\.jpg)', src)
            imgs.setdefault(section, []).append(base_url + actual_link.group(1))
    return imgs

def hebrew_letters():
    #Gets hebrew letters, strips whitespace, reverses letter order since hebrew letters get messed up
    h_letters = [h_letter.text.strip() for h_letter in soup.find_all('font', attrs={'face': 'arial'})]
    return h_letters

def english_letters():
    #Gets english letters by regex, this part was difficult because these letters are not surrounded by tags in the html
    letters = ''.join(str(content) for content in soup.find('table', attrs={'width': '90%'}).td.contents)
    search_text = re.finditer(r'/font>\s+(.+?)\s+<br/>', letters)
    e_letters = [letter.group(1) for letter in search_text]
    return e_letters

def get_audio_urls():
    #Gets all the mp3 hrefs for the audio part
    base_url = 'https://www.ancient-hebrew.org/m/dictionary/'
    links = soup.find_all('a', href=re.compile(r'\d+\s*.mp3$'))
    audio_urls = [base_url+link['href'].replace('\t','') for link in links]
    return audio_urls

def main():
    #Gathers scraped data
    imgs = images()
    h_letters = hebrew_letters()
    e_letters = english_letters()
    audio_urls = get_audio_urls()

    #Encodes data into utf-8 (due to hebrew letters) and saves it to text file
    with open('scraped_hebrew.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as text_file:
        for img, h_letter, e_letter, audio_url in zip(imgs.values(), h_letters, e_letters, audio_urls):
            text_file.write('Image Urls: ' + ' - '.join(im for im in img) + '\n')
            text_file.write('Hebrew Letters: ' + h_letter + '\n')
            text_file.write('English Letters: ' + e_letter + '\n')
            text_file.write('Audio Urls: ' + audio_url + '\n\n')

if __name__ == '__main__':
